CoreProtect v1.54
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UploadedSep 28, 2012
Size123.41 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.3.2-R1.0
CoreProtect 1.54
- Fixed incorrect data values sometimes being logged for blocks placed by players.
- Fixed "[SEVERE]" errors that would sometimes show when using the inspector.
- Added the ability to opt-out of the automatic update checker.
- Removed licensing, and did some basic code cleanup.
CoreProtect 1.53
- Improved chest logging for Tekkit servers.
- Fixed it so client mods can no longer interfere with chest logging.
- Made it so the purge command now also purges logged chest data.
CoreProtect 1.52
- Added support for missing WorldEdit commands, brush types and added super pickaxe logging.
- Fixed it so mobs no longer cause errors to trigger when changing blocks in a new unvisited world.
- Fixed InventoryClickEvent null pointer errors and negative seek offset rollback errors.
CoreProtect 1.51
- Fixed it so piston logging no longer causes huge CPU spikes. Blocks moved by pistons now log as #piston
- Made huge speed improvements for doing rollbacks with MySQL. (Closer to file based rollback speeds)
- Fixed v1.50 inventory errors that were occurring for Tekkit servers.
CoreProtect 1.50
- Added it so changes made via WorldEdit are now logged.
- Added item transaction logging. You can now view details about items taken from chests, furnaces, etc.
- Made it so left-clicking the top of a block shows data for the clicked block as expected.
- Made it so right-clicking a block with an empty hand or tool shows data as if you placed a block in that location.
- Fixed it so corrupt data is ignored when doing a rollback or restore.
- Made it so the help menu now also displays under "/coreprotect".
- Made it so jungle tree growth is now logged.
- Made it so broken mob spawners can now be properly rolled back for new data logged.
- Added support for Minecraft 1.3 block types
- Made it so you can open/close doors with the inspector enabled.
- Tons of bug fixes and minor tweaks.
CoreProtect 1.42
- Fixed it so global rollbacks are once again functional.
- Made it so "noisy-default" is by default set to "true" for newly generated configuration files.
CoreProtect 1.41
- Fixed a bug with sign text data logging the first line with a colour code.
CoreProtect 1.40
- Made it so colour codes on signs are logged properly and signs are rolled back properly with coloured text.
- Improved speed of rollbacks/restores when rolling back old data.
- Fixed it so modified servers can't corrupt logged sign text data.
- Modified it so all error messages print out more information in the console.
- Fixed it so the plugin no longer crashes the server when sand/gravel fall into the void.
- Added fix for errors occasionally showing when endermen picked up blocks.
- Fixed error spam showing when attempting to run commands via the console.
- Added ability to create a blacklist of users to not log data for.
CoreProtect 1.35
- Fixed a bug with logging block broken by endermen.
CoreProtect 1.34
- Fixed it so invalid or corrupted data in rollbacks is ignored.
- Made it so if someone breaks an air block (using hacks), the data is not logged.
- Pistons pushing blocks in a loop (redstone circuits) will no longer eat up memory.
CoreProtect 1.33
- Fixed an issue with caching where it could go into an infinite loop and use 100% of your CPU.
- Added it so blocks restored during rollbacks are immediately cached.
- Fixed MySQL injection vulnerability when logging sign text.
CoreProtect 1.32b
- Minor tweak with cache disposal.
CoreProtect 1.32
- Changed cache to include data for all blocks, not just liquid flow.
- Made it so block placement updates the cache immediately.
- Made it so data pulled during block lookups is cached.
- Made it so doing block placement lookups always attempts to pull from the cache first.
- Added a separate cache for piston tracking.
- Made it so duplicate data for piston tracking is not logged.
CoreProtect 1.31
- Fixed an error that occurred when dynamically generating additional worlds on the fly.
CoreProtect 1.30
- Fixed invalid characters on signs corrupting all logged sign data for that chunk.
- Fixed permissions issue with PEX.
- Added it so you can't start multiple rollbacks at the same time.
- Added ability to track blocks moved by pistons.
- Added ability to show all block log history for a block by double clicking the block. (Must be enabled in the config file)
CoreProtect 1.20
- Changed it so purges tell you the percent complete, rather than spamming you with data.
- Added it so the last 30 seconds of trackable block transactions (water/lava block flow) is stored in memory - makes block tracking much more efficient.
- Added ability to track when entities change/destroy blocks (Endermen, Enderdragons, etc)
- Added ability to log when a block naturally ignites, such as from fire spreading.
- Added ability to track block movement, such as sand or gravel falling.
- Added natural block breakage tracking for explosions.
- Misc minor bug fixes.
CoreProtect 1.14
- Added it so existing text on signs is saved when the sign is broken.
- Made it so blocks aren't logged if the event is cancelled by a plugin.
- Fixed it so doors breaking off of other blocks properly rollback/restore.
- Fixed it so signs on top of broken blocks properly rollback/restore.
CoreProtect 1.13b
- Fixed MySQL syntax for table creation.
CoreProtect 1.13
- Fixed it so usernames aren't case-sensitive when doing rollbacks/restores.
CoreProtect 1.12
- Fixed error messages showing for some explosions.
- Fixed issues with multi-world support.
- Made "/core purge" output more data during purges.
- Fixed it so temporary files created when using "/core purge" can't become corrupted.
CoreProtect 1.11
- Fixed issue with some global rollbacks with a specified radius not completing the full circle.
- Fixed issue with "/core purge" returning incorrect data.
CoreProtect 1.10
- Added file locking for file based data storage. It's now impossible for data to go missing when two threads are writing to a file at the same time.
- Fixed it so liquid tracking works works properly with MySQL.
- Improved performance of data lookup when doing liquid tracking.
- Added ability to log portals that generate naturally (such as Nether portals generating in the Nether)
- Added it so fire ignited with fire charges is logged.
- Added it so the block name (ex: "dirt") shows when using the inspector, along with the ID.
- Added it so block names can be used with the rollback/restore commands along with IDs.
- Added a "/core help" command containing basic command information.
- Added a "/core purge <months>" command, allowing you to easily remove old block log data and free up space.
- Added permissions for new commands.
- Other minor tweaks and fixes.