CopyDatBook |
Commands & Permissions |
To Do & Changelog
- Version: 1.0
- Stage: Planning
- Bukkit Release: N/A
- Requires: Vault (If you do not have Vault, this plugin will notify you, and disable itself)
- Copy an existing book, with the content written inside and the author!
- Node that will require you to pay x amount of money, in order to copy a book!
- It has permissions [That is just so... unique?]
How to install
- Download Vault & CopyDatBook
- Paste the Vault plugin into the /plugins folder
- Restart the server
- Now paste the CopyDatbook plugin into /plugins folder
- Restart the server
We give everyone a permission to make a video, just PM Konkz, TruDan or SpyroDev and we will see the quality of it.
Waiting ...
Still Waiting! Love the idea of spawning with certain books like rules/help !
Thanks for support ^^
Can't wait for this. Its going to be amazing.
Okay guys, sorry for huge delay but I was on holiday, than had to do stuff and all that. The project is now officialy starting of.
Coding will begin tommorow. On the final product when tested by me and / or Dan, we will start adding the to-do list, so you can start making ideas like people below now.
Plus support like @F4LCONBR, @Deazarook etc. (Sorry if I did not name you) really helps us :)
Just an Idea, make an Option to take a book from a certain bookcase.
How long lol I would like to have this too!
ooooh im on the edge of my chair i cant wait to see this >.< please hurry! :D
um, will there be a command like this: /cdb spawn <hand|id> where when u spawn it will give u that book?
That will be the block bit.
Plus, I can't code it as fast as I hoped due to all those plugins that need updating, JumpPorts needs to be fixed etc.
This may be bit 'over' delayed.
that is being added. check the ORIGNAL form
can i help? i was helping in the orignal thread (as Author)
Could you add an option so that only the author of the book can copy it.
Code faster! ;-; Haha, good luck with this, I am looking forward to it!
Cant wait for this! Have a very good idea for what to use this for
Woops, my super awesome skills. It has nothing on it [YET] anyway.
I should edit them this week thought.
- Thanks, Konkz
I edited the commands & permissions page, does not look the best YET, all the permissions may change!
hay, i can't see the Commands & Permissions page :(