CompatNoCheatPlus (cncp) provides compatibility between the anti cheat plugin NoCheatPlus and other plugins that add game mechanics different to the vanilla game behavior, such as mcMMO or plugins that add npcs such as Citizens. You need NoCheatPlus for this, NoCheatPlus can not be replaced by this.
This plugin is an add-on for NoCheatPlus: NoCheatPlus on BUKKITDEV
Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server.
These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk.
Development-builds (Jenkins at CompatNoCheatPlus and NoCheatPlus
- mcMMO:
- Block breaks by abilities should lead to no or almost no alerts anymore.
- Fighting alerts should be reduced.
- Citizens 2:
- NPCs no longer generate check alerts.
- Generic:
- Cancel all check failures for players that are not real players. This should handle a range of NPC creation techniques in general, as exist with Citizens 1.
(Experts: good bit of it is configurable.) - Block breaking and block placing: Plugins that break or place many blocks "in the name of a player" have a better chance to be made compatible by adapting the configuration. Defaults are set for MachinaCraft.
- Bukkit player speed API: Set the fly/walk speeds globally and let NoCheatPlus deal with the rest. (Needs to be enabled in the configuration.)
- Cancel all check failures for players that are not real players. This should handle a range of NPC creation techniques in general, as exist with Citizens 1.
- For configuration reference: Configuration
(Should not be needed usually, but can be used to disable unused hooks, or enable the set-speed hook. - For details on plugin compatibility, see: Details
Spout users
Spout users might encounter problems (nofall / fly working). Try to disable the player-class hook - but i am afraid there might be further incompatibilities at present.
- Welcome!
- Maybe someone wants to join this project ?
API: You can register a hook with cncp, which might or might not spare you some coding, cncp will re-enable NoCheatPlus with a delayed sync task, so you can use the PluginEnableEvent to register hooks that can listen on lowest level and be processed before NoCheatPlus. If you don't need these features then you can directly hook into the NoCheatPlus API (introduced in the lates dev builds of NoCheatPlus 3.7). Adding a hook demands further not to put NoCheatPlus into the depend or softdepend parts, returning the NCP hook and the check types should be the first time to access NCP API actively.
I have a faction server with mcmmo and this plugin would be a real help for providing users with real skill perks.
Do I need to have nocheatplus installed or is this fine
It makes some other plugins compatible with NoCheatPlus.
If you use mcMMO fast block breaking abilities NoCHeatPlus would normally prevent those because they are cheating compared to vanilla behavior - cncp makes them work.
Similar for NPCs, which often lead to check alerts.
Actually, i don't know what function in this plugin....... And sorry for my bad english...
I would have to evaluate what API they have to use in order to make it compatible, contacting LordKanizo...
Do you have a list / examples of skills that pose problems (and corresponding checks)?
Any chance you could disable checks from Heroes skills?
No jenkins, yet.
Though cncp might be added to the jenkins server for NoCheatPlus, wihch is being set up these days.
Do you have a jenkins?
Actually cncp 5.2.0 might fix this - i can not test with a client mod, but it makes use of the speed API introduced in CB 2327 (that is needed at least) to let NoCheatPlus handle the limits.
It does not seem to fix the resetting on hovering ...
Thx :)
It's not perfect supposedly but i will extend it with time and reports...
Technically modified clients would not tell the server that they are modded. Some are nice and allow thr server to send a special message telling the client to deactivate certain or all features, but that is in the hands of the client then. So also detecting nodus is not easily possible. I would not say it is impossible, because some clients may use certain patterns of altered packets sent but technically that is quite complicated. It might be that NoCHeatPlus will soon work with deep packet inpsection which might help to identify clients that are not original, but that is not a promise.
Clearing the Minecraft.jar on client side would need to illegally take control over their computer ;)
Their player data could be erased, theoretically, but only on server side.
Hi again :)
I found the problem, is not from cncp or ncp, will wait for fix.
i have another question, is it possible to made plugin to detect modded clients and clear Minecraft.jar clients/file ?
And kick every client with any possible mods ?
... or Anti Nodus functionality, to kick every nodus clients ?
Tnx :)
I approve
CompatNoCheatPlus does not do anything about flying, natively.
What kind of flying are you using ?
If you use Zombes flymod there is issues in Vanilla/CraftBukkit that prevent it .
If you use any client side fly mod you should work with permissions for NoCheatPlus.
If you are using a server-side flying plugin, then i might add a hook to allow it only when it is enabled, but that depends on if the plugin provides some way for others to know who is fying at any time.
I'm using fly mod to build and moving fast around the map and something is block me to fly ...
i remove the cncp but the problem is still on i thing is from ncp ...
but i have perm. to bypass checks ...
No commands no permissions.
I will add a section about configuration.
What do you need to configure ?
Permisions ? Configuration ? Commands ? .........
It looks like an older version of NoCheatPlus installed, there...
You need corresponding versions of NoCheatPlus and cncp.
If you use cncp 5.1.0 you should use the latest dev build of NoCheatPlus 3.7.0 (download linked on the top of the project page of NoCheatPlus)!
I get this in the console when i try to download this plugin.
Yes it is recommended, otherwise people can not use their fast block breaking abilities...
So if we have Mcmmo this is basically recommended to install along side NCP? Also do you hang around on IRC - Esper. If so contact me on there when you get a chance :) Im in #nocheat
Thanks! i was kinda confused on that good to know :D