
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.



CommuBan is a plugin for the moderators of your server. It allows them to ban player for a defined time, but, and that's the purpose of the plugin, the time applys when the player connects. So if you ban someone for grieffing for 2 hours, he will really gets 2 hours. Over time, it turns into a plugins that log kick/timed bans/definitive bans for my moderators, hope it helps your to purchase bad people. :P The plugin saved the bans in a Mysql database, so you can share the bans for multiples servers, or display them on your website, if you have some Php skills. :) /!\ To use this plugin, you NEED PluginsBaker installed on your server. !

Authors: Ptibiscuit

How to use


To create the default configuration, you need to load and enable the plugin a first time. (The plugin will probably crash the first time ;P). Then, open config.yml and fill the node about database with your database ID. When done, reload the plugin, normally, it would be ready to use. :)

Commands & Permissions

Everytime you see a <Time> argument, it means you have to write time like that: <Minutes>:<Hours>:<Days>. If you want to ban for 2 hours: 0:2, for 30 minutes and 1 hour: 30:1, for 6 days: 0:0:6 ! The plugin will automatically add " - <Your_Nickname>" at the end, for the reason when you ban someone. If you use "/cban test 0:2 Because fuck you", the reason will be "Because fuck you - Ptibiscuit"

  • /cban <Player> <Time> <Reason ...> (commuban.ban): Ban a player for a limited time.
  • /dcban <Player> <Reason ...> (commuban.ban): Ban a player for undefined time.
  • /ckickserver <Player> <Reason> (commuban.kick): Kick a player. Usefull to log those one with the /ccheck command !
  • /ccheck <Player> (commuban.check): Display all the bans/kicks of a player.
  • /csynchro (commuban.synchro): Add a definitive ban for all players in your bans.txt, you'll probably use this just one time, to synchronize your bans.
  • /cpardon <Player> (commuban.pardon): Deban a player. Deban means revoke all bans which would disallow player to connect now. (Not activated timed bans, activated timed bans but with time left, and definitive bans)

There are some others permissions:

  • commuban.god: Can't be banned. :P
  • commuban.sawer: Will see a message in the chat when a def ban/timed ban/kick is given by a moderator.

Traduire le plugin en Français ("Omelette du fromage")

Très simple, ouvrez /plugins/CommuBan/, supprimer son contenu et remplacer par:

#Default Lang Configuration
#Fri Dec 09 02:16:44 CET 2011
bad_use=Mauvaise utilisation de la commande.
synchro_succ=Synchro terminée, ajout de +count bannis.
have_been_defbanned=Vous avez été banni définitivement, raison\: +reason
has_been_banned=+pseudo§c a été banni pour +time car §e+reason§f.
cant_ban_him=Vous ne pouvez pas ce grand type.
connection_off=La connection avec la Bdd est coupée \!
list_bans=Liste des bans sur ce joueur\:
has_been_defbanned=+pseudo§c a été banni définitivement.
have_been_kicked=+pseudo§c a été kické car§e +reason.§f
forever=Très longtemps ...
no_past=Aucun ban n'a été fait sur ce joueur.
cant_command=Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser cette commande.
player_kick=Le joueur a été kické \!
have_been_banned=Vous avez été banni pour +time, raison\: +reason
no_player=Ce joueur n'existe pas.
deban_player=+pseudo a été débanni.
put_number=Utilise des nombres, débiles \!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 29, 2012
  • Last Released File
    May 2, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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