Promote players with Kills, Signs, Passwords, Time, Exp, Items, Money and more!
Tired of promoting every player by hand? No Problem! Just use CommandRank :)
It allows the players to promote themselves (With configurable conditions) or even promotes them automatically (for example after a specific time).
Example usage on a PvP-Server:
Players need kills to get a better rank.
With every promotion they get some rewards and a better title.
- Different ways to promote players if they meet the conditions
- Permissions support
- Economy support (needs Vault)
- Everything is configurable
- You can add infinite different "RankUps"
- Possible conditions:
- Player needs money
- Player needs kills (CommandRank is able to count kills)
- Player needs specific "onlineTime" (CommandRank is able to count the time a player is online)
- Player needs specific items in his inventory
- Player needs "Points" (PlayerPoints)
- Player needs to enter a password
- Player needs XP
- Possible ways to execute a rankup:
- "RankUp"-Sign
- Acceptrules command (executes one specific "RankUp")
- Declinerules command (executes one specific "RankUp" (default is prisoner))
- RankUp command (executes the next possible "RankUp"
- AutoRankUp (If enabled, a schedule checks players data every x seconds and executes a "RankUp" if possible)
- Password (Player is able to enter a password. If it's the right one a "RankUp" will be executed)
- Possible actions:
- Commands executed by console
- Commands executed by player
- Items given to player (Enchantments or things like colored wool are possible)
- CommandRank contains an "RankUpEvent" which allows other developers to work with
- /AcceptRules | Ranks the players to the given group (default: user)
- /DeclineRules | Ranks the players to the given group aswell (default: prisoner *evil* )
- /Password <pw> | Allows the player to enter a password
- /RankUp | Executes the next possible "RankUp"
- /cr | Shows "onlineTime" or kills to the player
- /cra | Admincommand to check onlineTime/kills of a player or to promote somebody
- CommandRank.Admin | Allows to execute admincommands and to create a "RankUp" sign & contains "CommandRank.User" permission
- CommandRank.createSign | Allows to create a "RankUp" sign
- CommandRank.AdminCommand | Allows to use the admincommands
- CommandRank.User | Basic permissions
- CommandRank.useSign | Allows to use a "RankUp" sign
- CommandRank.AcceptRules | Allows to use the AcceptRules command
- CommandRank.DeclineRules | Allows to use the DeclineRules command
- CommandRank.Password | Allows to enter a password
- CommandRank.UserCommand | Allows to use the /cr command
- CommandRank.RankUpCommand | Allows to use the /rankup command
- CommandRank.RankUp.<name of rankup> | Allows to use the named "RankUp"
- CommandRank.isGroup.<name of rankup to group> | Prevents from getting AutoRankUp to <name of rankup to group> (You should give the permission to every group to prevent from getting the same "RankUp" multiple times.)
- CommandRank.exclude.* | contains:
- | Excludes from "AutoRankUp"s
- CommandRank.exclude.sign | Excludes from sign-"RankUp"s
- CommandRank.exclude.command | Excludes from command-"RankUp"s
- Advanced guide with permissions
- Add FAQ to description
Got any ideas? Post them here: Forum
Found a bug? Create a ticket: Tickets
CommandRank is not working? Your config probably contains some mistakes. Check out your server.log or create a new ticket!
API | Setup guide | Tips & Tricks | Modifications
NOTE: This plugin has not been updated since a long time but should still be working fine! Due to circumstances (For example final school year) I am not able to update my plugins anymore. However most of them should still be working fine and besides I have found Maintainers for a few of my projects, who keep these updated. Thanks for your understanding ;-)
does this have multiworld support?
Thanks it all works now! great plugin btw :D
the names of the RankUps need to be in lower case
CommandRank also has a Setup Guide. If you still have problems after reading it, please create a ticket ;)
Hello- Im using this plugin because Autorank refuses to even initialize, let alone run properly. Im using spigot and groupmanager to do the setup. I cant seem to get the auto rank to work! Either it lists everyplayer saying they dont have permission (the permission nodes i give to default user are - CommandRank.User - CommandRank.isGroup.guest - CommandRank.RankUp.guest
when i type in /cr info guest, or any of the ranks i have set up i get "rankup is not existing"
i watched the video on how to set it up, but theres a few flaws in the video:
1-) it assumes you want players to "read rules" and shows you how to set up the first rank based on accepting rules, and doesnt show the default "guest" group, or how to define it
2) it only explains using pex commands to move groups- i use group manager, so the console commands are useless to me, and im not sure how to issue console commands from this plugin
having issues with my sign rankups Config >
i do the sign: [RankUp] Plougher
when someone right clicks with the permissions the get 'The RankUp is not existing...' have i done something wrong in the config? thanks
Please create a ticket with more detailed information about what's not working.
Can you help me?
Why no one autorankup works? I missed some permission? I need to put my groups somewhere? Is possible add commands to my autorankup? I have also The RankUp is not existing..
Ok look PM ^_^
Send me a PM here (Bukkit Dev). If your problem is more advanced I might check your server out/tell you my skype name.
I suggest you come on my server if you accept give me your skype nickname see your story that I tell you my problem and you help me fix it ... :) if you answer quickly comprare other: D
It is compatible with GroupManager and I was not talking about the Video. Check this out:
Bha I t offers things make a real video tutorial that have comprene esque if it is compatible with GroupManager
Just read the "Setup Guide".
Hey hi! I do not happen to use any plugins to ... 1. I can not do / rankup vip this is really boring and you can make a RankUp control ect because it is boring ... 2. chauqe a time I / cr info vip nothing works "The rank up is not existing ..." How seriously do something simple and not complicated especially for french because your plug and really cool but boring to understand ... Thank you in advance ps : i'm french sorry my bad english
Already replied (Check out your ticket)
does this plugin work with PermissionsEx
Hi! So I have everything working, except...
For some reason, every time a user uses the RankUp command, they rankup and the money is spent but the server tells the user that "an internal errors occurred while attempting to perform this command."
All that is configured to happen then the user ranks up is the server making an announcement, some money is spent, and the user's group is added and removed. All of that happens so I have no idea where this error is coming from.
The console: 4:25:05 PM Server: Meloetta_ is now a Roamer! 4:25:05 PM CONSOLE: [SEVERE] null 4:25:05 PM CONSOLE: exception executing command 'rankup' in plugin CommandRank v3.1.9 4:25:07 PM CONSOLE: [INFO] Meloetta_ issued server command: /rankup
Please create a Ticket
Now it says: 'An internal error occured etc.'
Here is the pastebin for the error in the console:
EDIT: I now deleted the '.isGroup' permissions. Now it only says: 'You can not use a RankUp at the moment!'
I still need help ;(
You get the "Nothing Happens" message when a RankUp is executed but you have the "CommandRank.exclude" permission. Test it out while you are not opped.