Setup guide

CommandRank allows you to create different "RankUps" with different actions and settings. Instead of promoting players manually you can allow them to get a promotion automatically/with a command/with a sign. You can setup everything in the configuration file. This guide will explain you how to set CommandRank up!

Step 1:
Download a new version of CommandRank (you can find the downloads here: and put it in your plugins folder.

Step 2
Now start your server! CommandRank will create a configuration file (config.yml) and a file which contains the messages (messages.yml).

Step 3
Now you can edit your config!
This page will explain step by step:

#Everytime the server starts CommandRank tries to create the config which contains the default stuff. Enable "dontadddefaults" to prevent this!
  dontadddefaults: true
#Enable "declinerules" to allow players to use the /declinerules command.
    enabled: true
#Fill in the name of the "RankUp" you want the /declinerules command to trigger.
    rankup: prisoner
#Enable acceptrules to allow players to use the /acceptruels command.
    enabled: true
#Fill in the name of the "RankUp" you want the /acceptrules command to trigger.
    rankup: user
#Enter the amount of pages your rules have.
    rulepages: 3
#If "playersneedtoreadrules" is enabled your players have to read all of the rulepages to be able to use /acceptrules.
    playersneedtoreadrules: true
#This is the text you want the "RankUp"-signs to have.
  signtext: '[RankUp]'
#Vault is a plugin which allows to handle economy and permissions plugin.
#Enable it if you want to work with economy.
    enabled: true
#This is a repeating message which tells players to read the rules and to accept them.
#This is the time (in seconds) the message is sent to the players.
    scheduletime: 30
#Here you can enable the repeating message.
    enabled: true
#Players with this permission won't get the repeating message.
    antipermission: CommandRank.DoNotToReadRules

Now you are done with the main settings!

The next part are the different types of automatic "RankUps".

#This is a repeating "thing" which checks different things every x seconds and tries to rankup the players. You want automatic "RankUp"s? Enable this!
    enabled: false
#This is the time in seconds.
    scheduletime: 600
#You want players with a specific amount of points to get a promotion? Enable this!
    enabled: false
#This is the "RankUp"-list. A line looks like <points needed>:<rankup name>. At the default example a player with 500 points becomes user.
    - 500:user
    - 2500:builder
#You want players with x kills to get a promotion? Enable this!
    enabled: true
#This works similar to the point-"RankUp"-list. A line looks like <kills needed>:<rankup name>. At this example a player with 10 kills triggers the prisoner-"RankUp".
    - 10:prisoner
#You want players who were online enough to get a promotion? Enable this!
    enabled: true
#This is the "RankUp"-list. A line looks like <time needed (in seconds)>:<name of rankup>. At this example a player who was online for a hour triggers the user-"RankUp".
    - 3600:user
    - 36000:builder

There are also two types of "RankUp"s which can be executed with a command:

#Enable this to enable the /rankup command!
  enabled: false
#When somebody enters /rankup a loop through this list is executed. As soon as a player has the permissions at the left side of a line it tries to execute the "RankUp" at the right side. At this example a player with the permission "CommandRank.isGroup.user" executes the builder-"RankUp". 
You should always write the highest ranks at the top and lower ranks at the bottom. 
And to exclude players from a specific "AutoRankUp" give him the permission CommandRank.isGroup.<group>.
  - CommandRank.isGroup.user:builder
  - CommandRank.isGroup.guest:user
#When somebody enters a password with /password <pw> CommandRank checks if this list contains the entered password. If it does, the "RankUp" at the right side is triggered.
  enabled: false
#This is the list with <password>:<rankup name>.
  - password:user
  - 9f8zfsio:builder

Only the "RankUp"s are missing now! Almost done!

Every "RankUp" has the same structure so I'll just explain one example:

#This is the name of the "RankUp". WARNING: IT NEEDS TO BE IN LOWERCASE!
#This is the message a player gets when he executes the "RankUp".
    message: '&4You are now user!'
#This is the amount of money the "RankUp" costs.
      price: 500
#You want players to pay for "RankUp"s? Enable this!
      enabled: false
#This is the time a player needs to be online to run the "RankUp".
      time: 3600
#Enable this if you only want active players to run the "RankUp".
      enabled: true
#This is the xplevel the "RankUp" costs.
      amount: 10
#Enable this if you want that players need XPLevel to run the "RankUp".
      enabled: false
#This is a list of items ( <name>:<amount>) the players need!
      - LOG:10
      - DIRT:60
#Enable this if you want the players to pay with items.
      enabled: false
#This is the amount of kills the players need to run the "RankUp".
      amount: 0
#Enable this if you want that players need kills to run the "RankUp".
      enabled: false
#This is a list of commands the player will automatically execute after a successful "RankUp".
        - warp user
        - me is now user
#Here you can enable the commands by the player.
        enabled: true
#This is a list of commands the server/console will automatically execute after a successful "RankUp".
        - permissions player setgroup %name% user
        - heal %name%
        - feed %name%
#Here you can enable the commands by the server/console.
        enabled: true
#This is a list of items the player will get after a successful "RankUp".
      - LOG:10
      - TORCH:15
#Enable this if you want the players to get the items of the list!
      enabled: true

Now you are finally done! Congrats :D

Step 4:
You should save your config! You don't want any risks? Then you could backup your config aswell. It's time to enjoy the plugin! Restart your server and have fun!

Advanced guide with permissions


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