v5.0 Commands and Permissions

Permission Nodes

CommandDescriptionNode (Case-Sensitive is optional)
/tpaccept <player>Accept someone's teleport requestCommandBin.tpaccept
/afkSet your status to AFKCommandBin.afk
/tpa <player>Ask to teleport to a playerCommandBin.tpa
/boltCreate a bolt of lightning where you are lookingCommandBin.bolt
/broadcast [message]Broadcast a server-wide messageCommandBin.broadcast
/clearClear your inventoryCommandBin.clear.self
/clear <player>Clear a player's inventoryCommandBin.clear.others
/tpdeny [player]Deny a players teleport requestCommandBin.tpdeny
/explodeExplode yourself with TNTCommandBin.explode.self
/explode <player>Explode a player with TNTCommandBin.explode.others
/feedSet your hunger bar to fullCommandBin.feed.self
/feed <player>Set a player's hunger bar to fullCommandBin.feed.others
/freeze <player>Stop a player from movingCommandBin.freeze
/fsay [player] [message]Make a player say somethingCommandBin.fsay
/gmSwitch your gamemode to whatever specifiedCommandBin.gamemode.<gamemode>
/gm <player>Switch a players gamemode to whatever specifiedCommandBin.gamemode.others.<gamemode>
/godSwitch your godmodeCommandBin.god.self
/god <player>Switch a players godmodeCommandBin.god.others
/healSet your health bar to fullCommandBin.heal.self
/heal <player>Set a player's health bar to fullCommandBin.heal.others
/killKill yourselfCommandBin.kill.self
/kill <player>Kill another playerCommandBin.kill.others
/mute <player>Stop a player from talkingCommandBin
/time [day/night/lock]Set the time to day, night or lock itCommandBin.time
/spawnTeleport yourself to spawnCommandBin.spawn.self
/spawn <player>Teleport a player to spawnCommandBin.spawn.others
/setspawnSet the current world spawnCommandBin.setspawn
/starveStarve yourself to 0 hungerCommandBin.starve.self
/starve <player>Starve another player to 0 hungerCommandBin.starve.others
/tpallTeleport all online players to youCommandBin.tpall
/tp <player>Teleport yourself to a playerCommandBin.tp.self
/tp <player> <player>Teleport one player to another playerCommandBin.tp.others
/tp <player> <x><y><z>Teleport a player to specified co-ordinatesCommandBin.tp.coords
/vanishMake yourself invisible or visibleCommandBin.vanish.self
/vanish <player>Make a player visible or invisibleCommandBin.vanish.others
/weather <sun/rain/men>Make it sunny or rainy*CommandBin.weather
/openinv <player>Open a players inventoryCommandBin.openinv
/killmobsKill all mobs in your current worldCommandBin.killmobs
/flyToggle flying statusCommandBin.fly.self
/fly <player>Toggle other players flying statusCommandBin.fly.others
/chunkReload the chunk you're standing inCommandBin.chunk
/commandbinSome information about CommandBin
/commandbin toggle <command>Toggle a command's activity.CommandBin.manage
/hatPut whatever you have in your hand on your head, added checks if you already got a helmet onCommandBin.hat
/ipGet your IP addressCommandBin.ip.self
/ip <player>Get a players IP AddressCommandBin.ip.others
/tphere <player>Teleport a player to youCommandBin.tphere
/explosionbowUse a bow to shoot explosions yourselfCommandBin.explosionbow.self
/explosionbow <player>Let a player use the explosion bowCommandBin.explosionbow.others
/nick <name>Change your nameCommandBin.nick.self
/nick <player> <name>Change a players nameCommandBin.nick.others
/craftOpen a workbench instantlyCommandBin.craft
/clearchatClears your chat messagesCommandBin.clearchat
/sethomeSets your home locationCommandBin.sethome
/homeTeleport to your homeCommandBin.home
/setwarp <warp>Create a warpCommandBin.setwarp
/warp <warp>Teleport to a warpCommandBin.warp
/warp <list>List all warpsCommandBin.warp.list
/delwarp <warp>Delete a warpCommandBin.delwarp
/ptime daySets the player time to dayCommandBin.ptime.day
/ptime nightSets the player time to nightCommandBin.ptime.night
/ptime resetResets the player timeCommandBin.ptime.reset
/itemname <name>Change the name of an itemCommandBin.itemname
/itemdesc <desc>Change the description of an itemCommandBin.itemdesc
/smoke <player>Smoke particles follows player aroundCommandBin.smoke.others
/smokeSmoke particles follow youCommandBin.smoke.self
/spawnmob <mob> <amount>Spawn a certain amount of mobs, defaulted to 1 if no second argumentCommandBin.spawnmob
/firework <type/r> <color/r> <length>Shoot fireworks where you are looking at, replace type and color with R if you want random. Type /firework list to see all the available colours and types.CommandBin.firework
(console) /firework <world> <x> <y> <z> <type/r> <color/r> <length>Console alternative for fireworks
/bindstick <message>Bindstick is back, bind any message / command to a stickCommandBin.bindstick
/putPut yourself to your target blockCommandBin.put.self
/put <player>Put another player to your target blockCommandBin.put.others
/fixlagThis removes all entities (Excluding ItemFrames and Players) from the server, in an effort to reduce lagCommandBin.fixlag
/shoot <player>Shoot a player into the airCommandBin.shoot
/msg <player> <message>Send a player a messageCommandBin.msg
/openencOpen a portable enchantment tableCommandBin.openenc
/blockplace <player>Stop a player from placing blocksCommandBin.blockplace
/spyLets you see other players /msg'sCommandBin.spy
/vote [stop] <vote>Let's you specify a y/n voteCommandBin.vote
/voteyesVote yes if there is a vote taking placeCommandBin.voteyes
/votenoVote no if there is a vote taking placeCommandBin.voteno
/carpetPut a glass carpet underneath your feet that disappears after 20 seconds.CommandBin.carpet
/spartaSets entities near you on fire and shoots them into the airCommandBin.sparta
/notargetStops mobs from targetting youCommandBin.notarget
/enderOpen your ender chestCommandBin.ender
/ender <player>Opens another players ender chest remotelyCommandBin.ender.others
/textpack <url>Sets a server-wide texture packCommandBin.textpack
/effectApplys potion effects with specified amplifier, time, and type "hold" at the end of the command to receive it as a splash potion.CommandBin.effect
/who <player>Get detailed information on a playerCommandBin.who
/lockdown (-k)Stop all players from placing/breaking/chatting, optionally add the -k to kick all players and stop them from joining until toggled.CommandBin.lockdown
/lockdown (-k)If you want to exempt players from this, give CommandBin.lockdownexemptCommandBin.lockdownexempt
/witherShoot wither heads where your lookingCommandBin.wither
/fireballShoot fireballs where you are lookingCommandBin.fireball
/nearbyGet a list of nearby players within 100 blocks of youCommandBin.nearby
/goup <blocks>Go up blocks a certain heightCommandBin.goup
/maxhealth <health>Set your maximum healthCommandBin.maxhealth
/hole <player>Make you or a player go down a 22 block holeCommandBin.hole
/special <kbstick/superbow>Gives you a special weaponCommandBin.special.kbstick or CommandBin.special.superbow
/nuke <player>Spawn a load of TNT above a playerCommandBin.nuke
/iceGive yourself the ability to walk on waterCommandBin.ice


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