v3.0 Commands and Permissions

Extra Permission Nodes

Be exempt from a /deathbanCommandBin.deathban.exempt
Allows a player to use chat coloursCommandBin.utils.colorchat
Allow a player to use the quakeaxe (Stone Axe)CommandBin.misc.quakeaxe
Receive an announcement (if any)CommandBin.admin
Use the "Mob Axe"CommandBin.misc.ride

Permission Nodes

CommandDescriptionNode (Case-Sensitive is optional)
/tpaccept <player>Accept someone's teleport requestCommandBin.tpaccept
/afkSet your status to AFKCommandBin.afk
/tpa <player>Ask to teleport to a playerCommandBin.tpa
/backTeleport to your previous locationCommandBin.back.self
/back <player>Teleport to a players previous locationCommandBin.back.others
/block <player>Block a player from using a commandsCommandBin.block
/boltCreate a bolt of lightning where you are lookingCommandBin.bolt
/broadcast [message]Broadcast a server-wide messageCommandBin.broadcast
/chunkReload the chunk you are standing inCommandBin.chunk
/clearClear your inventoryCommandBin.clear.self
/clear <player>Clear a player's inventoryCommandBin.clear.others
/commandbinBasic information about CommandBin
/commandbin versionView the current version of CommandBin
/deathbanEnable deathban mode on your server. If someone dies they will be banned and an OP will need to unban them.CommandBin.deathban
/deny [player]Deny a players teleport requestCommandBin.deny
/explodeExplode yourself with TNTCommandBin.explode.self
/explode <player>Explode a player with TNTCommandBin.explode.others
/feedSet your hunger bar to fullCommandBin.feed.self
/feed <player>Set a player's hunger bar to fullCommandBin.feed.others
/freezeStop yourself from movingCommandBin.freeze.self
/freeze <player>Stop a player from movingCommandBin.freeze.others
/fsay [player] [message]Make a player say somethingCommandBin.fsay
/gmSwitch your gamemodeCommandBin.gm.self
/gm <player>Switch a players gamemodeCommandBin.gm.others
/godSwitch your godmodeCommandBin.god.self
/god <player>Switch a players godmodeCommandBin.god.others
/handicap [player]Stop a player from using commandsCommandBin.handicap
/hatPlace the object your holding onto your headCommandBin.hat
/healSet your health bar to fullCommandBin.heal.self
/heal <player>Set a player's health bar to fullCommandBin.heal.others
/ipGet your current IPCommandBin.ip.self
/ip <player>Get a player's IPCommandBin.ip.others
/killKill yourselfCommandBin.kill.self
/kill <player>Kill another playerCommandBin.kill.others
/lockdownEnable lockdown mode on the server. This disables block placement, block breaking, block interacting, commands and chatting. Ops are exempted.CommandBin.lockdown
/msg [player] [message]Message an online playerCommandBin.msg
/muteStop yourself from talkingCommandBin.mute.self
/mute <player>Stop a player from talkingCommandBin.mute.others
/nick [nickname]Change your own nicknameCommandBin.nick.self
/nick <player> [nickname]Change a players nicknameCommandBin.nick.others
/putPut yourself where you are lookingCommandBin.put.self
/put <player>Put a player to where your lookingCommandBin.put.others
/ramGet the current RAM of the serverCommandBin.ram
/setspawnSet the current spawn locationCommandBin.setspawn
/setxp [level]Set your experience levelCommandBin.setxp.self
/setxp <player> [level]Set a players experience levelCommandBin.setxp.others
/shootShoot yourself into the airCommandBin.shoot.self
/shoot <player>Shoot a player into the airCommandBin.shoot.others
/spawnTeleport to the world spawnCommandBin.spawn
/starveStarve yourselfCommandBin.starve.self
/starve <player>Starve a playerCommandBin.starve.others
/strikeStrike yourself with lightningCommandBin.strike.self
/strike <player>Strike a player with lightningCommandBin.strike.others
/suicideKill Yourself (same as /kill)CommandBin.kill.self
/timeGet the current time on the server
/time [day]Set the time to dayCommandBin.time.day
/time [night]Set the time to nightCommandBin.time.night
/time [dawn]Set the time to dawnCommandBin.time.dawn
/time [dusk]Set the time to duskCommandBin.time.dusk
/time [lock]Lock the time!CommandBin.time.lock
/tpallTeleport all online players to youCommandBin.tpall
/tp [player]Teleport to a playerCommandBin.tp.self
/tp <player> [player]Teleport a player to another playerCommandBin.tp.others
/tp <x> <y> <z>Teleport to certain co-ordinatesCommandBin.tp.coordinates
/tp [player] <x> <y> <z>Teleport a player to certain co-ordinatesCommandBin.tp.otherstoordinates
/tphere [player]Teleport a player to youCommandBin.tphere
/vanishMake yourself invisibleCommandBin.vanish.self
/vanish <player>Make a player invisible/visibleCommandBin.vanish.others
/weatherCheck the weather
/weather [sun]Make the sun shineCommandBin.weather.sun
/weather [rain]Make the rain come outCommandBin.weather.rain
/weather [thunder]Make it start to thunderCommandBin.weather.thunder
/drunkMake yourself drunkCommandBin.drunk.self
/drunk <player>Make another player drunkCommandBin.drunk.others
/blindBlind yourselfCommandBin.blind.self
/setwarp [warp]Set a warp locationCommandBin.setwarp
/warp [warp]Teleport to a warpCommandBin.warp
/killmobsKill all mobs on the serverCommandBin.killmobs
/quakeShoot all entities into the skyCommandBin.quake
/hellSet all entities on fireCommandBin.hell
/stopmobsStop mobs from spawning on your server (toggle)CommandBin.stopmobs
/openinv [player]Open a players inventoryCommandBin.openinv
/fireballShoot a fireball where you are lookingCommandBin.fireball
/bindstick [command]Bind a command to a stickCommandBin.bindstick
/spySpy in on peoples messages to each otherCommandBin.spy
/flyToggle yourself to use creative flyingCommandBin.fly.self
/fly <player>Toggle a player to use creative flyingCommandBin.fly.others
/homeTeleport to your homeCommandBin.home
/sethomeSet your home locationCommandBin.sethome
/eternalMake yourself eternalCommandBin.eternal.self
/eternal <player>Make another player eternalCommandBin.eternal.others
/tpdenyDeny players from teleporting you / from youCommandBin.tpdeny
/sudo [command]Type a command like your in consoleCommandBin.sudo
/orb <1-1000>Ability to spawn orbs where your lookingCommandBin.orb
/fakeblock [player] [block]Spawns a fake block inside a player (useful for trolling)CommandBin.fakeblock
/lightSpawns fake glowstone under you, client side.CommandBin.light
/sound [player] [sound]Play a sound to a player (Type /sound to get a list)CommandBin.sound
/gsound [sound]Play a sound to all online playersCommandBin.gsound
/ptime [day/night/dawn/dusk/noonSet your local timeCommandBin.ptime.[day/night/dawn/dusk/noon]
/moreReceive 64 of what your holdingCommandBin.more
/spawnmob [mob] [amount]Spawn an amount of mobs at where your lookingCommandBin.spawnmob
/compass <player>Point your compass to somebody, no arguments to resetCommandBin.compass
/repairRepair whatever your item isCommandBin.repair
/craftOpen a crafting bench anywhereCommandBin.craft
/world [player] [world]Teleport a player to a worldCommandBin.world
/grenade (dangerous!!)Use eggs as grenadesCommandBin.grenade
/enc all/enchantmentEnchant your item using either an enchantment name or "all"CommandBin.enc
/nuke <player>/*/-cAbility to create nukes at either your cursor location (-c), everyone (*), or just a playerCommandBin.nuke
/setfly [speed]Set your flying speedCommandBin.setfly.self
/setfly <player> [speed]Set you or another players flying speedCommandBin.setfly.others


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