Feedback on Sign click interval #125

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Assigned to _ForgeUser7307234
  • _ForgeUser10173568 created this issue May 10, 2013

    What is the enhancement in mind? How should it look and feel?
    Make it so that in the config the number seconds you have to wait before clicking each sign. I mean like, when you click the sign, you have to wait three more seconds or something before the command on it will work again when you click it. So like interval for signs set: 3
    Ok the reason this would be good is because I have used Commandsigns very creatively and what I did is when people click the sign they not only get teleported to the minigame/world, it also broadcasts on the chat that <NAME> joined Skyblock. I do this with /^bcast <NAME> joined Skyblock
    However, players tend to spam these signs its not that big of an issue but it would be cool if you could wait 3 seconds for signs so yeah. I also use it in things like I attached a command to broadcast the link to my website to one of the signs and such.

    I don't know if CommandSigns was meant to do this, but I make portals with command signs by attaching it to the pressure plate, it works when people step on them, they teleport. However, for some weird reason, only non-opped players can do that. Weird right. OP'ed players glitch out.
    Thats my feedback I hope you consider it especially with the three seconds thing!

    Please provide any additional information below.

  • _ForgeUser10173568 added the tags New Enhancment May 10, 2013

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