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UploadedAug 9, 2012
Size52.53 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.3.1-R1.0
New Format
Restrictions in CommandSigns used to be in the following format:
1. @group 2. /commands 3. @ 4. $50 5. /morecommands 6. $
However, now all 'end' statements are just the single character '-'. An example:
1. @group 2. /commands 3. - 4. $50 5. /morecommands 6. -
There is also a new character, '?' which makes the check optional. This prevents an error showing, such as 'You are not in the required group'. Example:
1. ?@vip 2. /vip commands 3. - 4. ?@user 5. \You are not yet a VIP! Find out more here: http://example.com/vip 6. -
Restrictions can be nested too. Example:
1. @vip 2. $200 3. /costly vip command 4. - 5. -
See more on these changes on the tutorial page.
Other Changes
- Fixed ConcurrentModificationException while parsing signs.
- Allow for errors when parsing signs: fixes signs data file wiping itself.
- Added /cmdsigns reload command
- Adapted updater to be more reliable
- Changed the the commands /cmdsigns update -<c/f> to /cmdsigns update <check/force>
- Op and console lines now require the commandsigns.create.op permission for a player to create them
- New format allows for multiple group restrictions, nested restrictions and negation on all restrictions.
The '?' does not yet make commands show no output, but that feature is in the pipeline.