Combat Tag v5.8.8 BETA [1.5.1]
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UploadedApr 27, 2013
Size71.54 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.5.1-R0.2
New in v5.8.8 BETA
+Fixed compatibility with CrazyLogin
+Untested fix for Entity Tracking Error
From v5.8.7
+Fixed 5.8.6's crashes on logout. Everything should be fixed.
From v5.8.6
+Added compatibility with CrazyLogin
+Added the ability to add and remove commands from in-game if you have the permission "combattag.command"
+Added the ability to block all command
If a player logs off in a world other than the main world, the plugin will produce an error and not rename the npc. I'm working on fixing this issue, but it will probably take a while. This should not break main plugin functionality.