Combat Tag v5.7.2 [1.4.7 CB #2606 AND HIGHER]
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UploadedFeb 22, 2013
Size71.79 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.4.7-R1.0
- CB 1.4.7-R0.1
- 1.4.7
New in 5.7.2:
+ Fixed commands that didn't have spaces not being blocked
From 5.7.1:
+ Fixed NullPointerException in PlayerInteractEvent
From 5.7.0:
+ Added onlyDamagerTagged and blockEnderPearl as config options
+ Added to API the ability to tag players from other plugins
+ Updated and fixed some blocked command issues
- Removed extraneous code
If you do have errors or bugs, please report them by submitting a ticket. The faster you do, the faster I can fix them.
If a player logs off in a world other than the main world, the plugin will produce an error and not rename the npc. I'm working on fixing this issue, but it will probably take a while. This should not break main plugin functionality.