

This is just a little plugin that allows you to create colored signs.


To create a colored Sign, you have to write the specific color tag in front of what you want to color. Here is a List of all color codes:


There are additional codes:

'&r' : Resets the text color to black and undoes '&l', '&o', '&n', '&m' and '&k'

'&l' : Makes the font bold

'&o' : Makes the font italic

'&n' : Underlines the font

'&m' : Makes the font strikethrough

'&k' : Makes the font unreadable and randomly changing

You now can also use '$' instead of '&' !

F. E. : If you want to have a sign with a red 'INFO' on it, you have to write '&4INFO'


There are 4 values in the Config you can change.

1. 'permission_based' : You can tell the plugin to check if the player has permission to create a colored sign, or you can allow every player (without permission) to do so.

2. 'permission_message' : This is the message that is displayed when somebody hasn't got the permission to create a colored sign and 'permission_based' ist set to false.

3. 'magic_permission_based' : You can tell the plugin to check if the player has permission to create a sign with magic font, or you can allow every player (without permission) to do so.

4. 'magic_permission_message' : This is the message that is displayed when somebody hasn't got the permission to create a sign with magic font and 'magic_permission_based' ist set to false.


There are two permission nodes:

'sc.coloredsigns' : Allows a player to place a colored sign when 'permission_based' is set to true. 'sc.magic' : Allows a player to place a sign with magic font when 'magic_permission_based' is set to true.

Source Code

You can find the source code on GitHub.


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