Using Colored Tags + Healthbar #34

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Assigned to filoghost
  • _ForgeUser8224605 created this issue May 7, 2014

    So I'm trying to use both Colored Tags v2.0.2 and Health Bar v1.8.2 together, but I'm confused as to which plugin should have the config settings for 'fix-tab-name' and 'fix-death-messages', if not both. Right now, they both have the settings set to true, but it's not giving me the results I want. I have the health show up to the right of the player, and when it does it completely wipes the colors for the name in favor of coloring the health text/hearts. After a minute Colored Tags will refresh the names, but is it possible to just not color the health stuff and keep colors of the usernames at all times? Also, regardless of the fix-tab-name setting for Health Bar, the health/hearts still show up in the tab list for the player, and the colors are wiped there just as they are above the player's head.

    Essentially my question is, what's the best way to get the two plugins to work well with one another?

  • _ForgeUser8224605 added the tags New Other May 7, 2014

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