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  • Uploaded
    Dec 27, 2016
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    158.63 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • 1.11
  • 1.10
  • 1.9


+ Added Feature
- Removed Feature
^ Change
! Bug Fix


+ Customizable chat prefix

+ Arena Name Support - Arena name can be used on join and spectate command.

^ Team Based Spawning - Players on the same team are now teleported to the team spawn instead of individual spawns.

^ Updated Command: "/cc setspawn <team>" - Set the spawn for team red, green, blue, yellow.

+ New Command: "/cc removeSpawn <team>" - This will remove the spawn for the given team.

^ Removed Command: "/cc resetSpawns"

+ New Command: "/cc options <id> <option> <value>" - This will set the specific arena option.

^ Removed Command: "/cc setReward"

^ Lobby Sign Variable "arenaname" now is arena name instead of id.

+ Lobby Sign Variable "id" added - Gives the arena ID.

+ New Command: "/cc goto <id>" - Teleports the player to the lobby of the arena.

+ Added Barrier - This barrier defaults to spectators only, and stops spectators from leaving the arena.

^ PvP option now either disables all pvp completely or allows hitting but with no damage.

! Fix spectators being able to join a game multiple times in certain situations. 

! Fix spectators being frozen by the freeze powerup.

! Fix pvp in lobby area.

! Fix spectators not correctly being teleported back to arena on death.


Available options:

- "perteam" - Expects an Integer - This option sets the number of players allowed on each team, this determines the number of allowed in the arena by multiplying it by the number of team spawns set.

- "reward" - Expects a Integer or Double - This will set the reward that the winning team receives. 

- "pvp" - Expects a Boolean - This will set whether pvp is allowed in the arena.

- "name" - Expects a String - This will set the name of the arena.

- "border" - Expects a Boolean" - Determines whether the border feature is enabled in this arena.

- "border-extension" - Expects a Integer - The extension on the border compared to the size of the arena.

- "border-spectator-only" - Expects a Boolean - Determines whether the border is only shown to the spectators.


Data from v0.6.1 will automatically be converted to the file format for 0.7.0. If you have an older version of ColorCube, it is recommended you first up to 0.6.1, then run the plugin once. After updating to 0.6.1, then install 0.7.0. This will guarantee correct conversion of all the data.


! Bossbar not correctly being removed in some situations

^ Add missing help information

! Fix error when creating new arenas.

! Fix lobby signs not loading correctly.

! Fix shutdown console error.

! Fix saturation effect not always being removed.

! Fix removed arenas loading up again.


Must be using 1.9 or Greater!!

+ Add Game Selector Menu
+ Add Economy Support
! Fix Powerup Spawning Issue
! Fix Errors
! Fix Painting blocks outside of arena


+ AutoTabCompletion. This allows for typing in a command and getting some tabbing support.
+ Title count down. A count down appears on user screen.
+ Optional PvP setting in each arena. Have the ability to state whether an arena can have damage inside of the arena.
! Fix Player being kicked out of lobby when he/she is the only on left when a player leaves game.
^ Some clean up optimization.