
This plugin is no longer maintained. Have a look at my other plugins here.


Are you also get annoyed that you need many small plugins to bring the server up and running? With many small plugins, the server begins quickly to stutter. Now there is this plugin! A collection of many plugins and they are growing!


# 1.0
updater: true
mcjail: true
commands: true
simplesmelt: true
teamboard: true
mcstatus: true
teammessage: true
killreward: true
killplus: true
logspawn: true
# 1.1
antipvplog: true
pluginmanager: true
# 1.2
jumpnrun: true
timelock: true
orecooldown: true
chat: true
quizpromote: true
playerpromotional: true
# 1.3
portalcommands: true
music: true
warp: true
chestevents: true
# 1.4
timeditems: true
timedrestart: true
nopotionbottles: true
respawnmessage: true
enderdelay: true
homes: true
newbie: true
# 1.5
inventory+: true
survey: true

Commands & Permissions

Look at the description of the other plugins


Metrics and Updater


When you enable Metrics in PluginMetrics config, your server sends anonymous information about your server, player, Bukkit version, Java version, server location and the Minecraft version. I try to give the plugin better adapt to you and to continue to improve.

If you set "updater: true", the plugin automatically loads down the latest version. This is not dangerous because the plugin is previously checked thoroughly by the Bukkit team.

About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 4, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Mar 20, 2017
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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