Plugin developed by C4ssi0
Function: Take questions from players without leaving the game!
*Obs: When the inventory of players asking for support it creates a new page!
How it works?
The staff that has the permission to use the command /atender will list all players who requested support with the command /suporte , after which the staff will select which player to support. They will enter a private chat where only they will receive the messages one sent to the other, thus, the other players will not be able to read what they send nor they will be able to read the other messages of the players
- /suporte help - Plugin Information
- /suporte - Sign in to the support list
- /atender - Open inventory to see how many players need help
- /fimatendimento - End customer service
- Permissions all editable by config.yml.
- The plugin has been tested on versions 1.8 through 1.8.8 spigot/craftbukkit..
- For the plugin to work perfectly you need Vault and PermissionsEx.