Command Compilation
Plugin in development!
German section
The Plugin's Situation
The Plugin is on development, currently there is no download available. Everything named in the Feautes and the Changelog etc. is included in a Development Build(no download available).
- General
- individual Loginmessages (editable in the Config)
- individual Leavemessages (editable in the Config)
- individual Messages of the Day (editable in the Config)
- Starterkit(4 Items changeable in the Config by ID) with Controlllist(only one Kit per Player).
- teleportation
- Player-to-Player teleportation
- Warp teleportation
version 0.1
- implements individual Login- and Leavemessages
- implements individual Messages of the Day
- implements individual Starterkit
version 0.2
- implements teleportation
- implements Player-to-Player teleportation
- implements warp teleportation
version 0.3
- implements simple Gamemode changing
- implements Adminkit
version 0.4
- fixes looking direction while setting warps Implemts:
- integration of easy weather changeing
- implements /time day and night command
version 0.5 (comming soon)
- replace default messages by changeable(config) messages
- simplify clearing your inventory
- implements /spawn and /setspawn
future features
- Fixes
- more comming soon
- Implements
- add broadcasting automessages after a period of time
- implements own economy
- add first- and lastseen information