Trade Modifer? #11

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Assigned to _ForgeUser12442280
  • _ForgeUser10518432 created this issue Jun 22, 2014

    What is the issue?
    Sprint modifier does not work with Ctrl+Click, only if you are actually "charging" the other player.
    Normally I would find a way to make Shift work by editing/shifting around other plugins to use an alternative to Shift, but this is not possible in this case.

    The reason I am having to change Shift off CloudTrade is because I use a Racial/Class plugin that uses Shift in one of it's abilities on a target, and when this is performed it renders that Player un-attackable by the other Player for a bit.

    Would there be any way to make this work with Ctrl button or any other modifier perhaps?
    I cannot resort going to commands as /trade is also taken by another feature I cannot change on my server.

    Please provide any additional information below.
    I am not sure if this would be an enhancement or a bug report...

  • _ForgeUser10518432 added the tags New Other Jun 22, 2014
  • _ForgeUser12442280 posted a comment Jun 22, 2014

    I knew that moving while clicking would be anoying. But it was the easiest alternative I could think of. I'll think of a better alternative. That was the best I could come up with. Maybe right click a person with a book? I'm reaaaaally looking for ways to help.

    Also you can make an allias for Cloudtrade. PM if you want to know more about that!

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