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i put all mobs i wanted to keep in config and run command and they still disapier . had to turn off auto clear blocks because it made server laggyer , also had problems when someone dies right before clear items , they loose everything even if they get to there stuff in one min. so had to use plugin for gravestones. i love idea of this plugin , have a few ideas that might make it better , but not good at making plugins lol would love to learn , any help would be great thanks
#This is /lagg killmobs, put what you DON'T want removed!# -- 'remove-named', when FALSE entities with custom names will NOT be removed# -- 'mob-filter' lists which mobs will be IGNORED during /lagg killmobskill-mobs: remove-named: false mob-filter:# - Villager# - Wolf# - Pig # - Zombie hasName <- This entity will be filtered if it HAS a name# - ARMOR_STAND# - Horse# - Allay# - Frog# - Tropical_Fish# - Axolotl# - Sheep# - Cow# - Camel# - Chicken
hope this helps :)
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