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Hey, ive configured my plugin to center text for warnings however it still doesnt display.
warnings: - 'time:260 msg:&r &r &r &r &r &r &r &r &r &6&l*** &e&lALL &6&lENTITIES&e&l ARE BEING &f&l&nREMOVED&r &6&l*** &r &r &r &r &r &r &r &r &r &r &r &r &r &r &7&o(( All entities will be cleared in &f&n+remaining&r&7&o seconds! )) &r' - 'time:280 msg:&r &r &r &r &r &r &r &r &r &6&l*** &e&lALL &6&lENTITIES&e&l ARE BEING &f&l&nREMOVED&r &6&l*** &r &r &r &r &r &r &r &r &r &r &r &r &r &r &7&o(( All entities will be cleared in &f&n+remaining&r&7&o seconds! )) &r'
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