Space between text and border #281

  • New
  • Forge_User_39093711 created this issue Nov 29, 2020

    Hi, I have an issue.
    I just put the ClearLagg on my server, redesign it and when it started writing that things thrown on the ground would be erased, I noticed a gap between the text and the border. Here is the print screen can you please tell me what to do?
    I have also plugins like:
    LuckPerms, Essentials, EssentialsChat, EssentialsXMPP, EssentialsGeoIP, Coordinates, GUIShop, HDisplays, Jobs, Lobbys, MOTD, Multiverse-Core, PlaceholderApi, PlugMan, Residence, Scoreboard-revision, SkinsRestorer, StaffChatReloaded, TAB, Vault, WarpPortals, WorldEdit, BetterRTP, bStats, ClearLag


  • Forge_User_39093711 added a tag New Nov 29, 2020
  • iWristshot posted a comment Dec 1, 2020

    I have the same issue, tried many things but no luck. Please find a fix for this ^^^

  • jmer05 posted a comment Dec 11, 2020

    I'm having what I think is the same problem, I've double checked all my config and looked. This started happening since the most recent update:

  • TheFlagen430297 posted a comment Dec 16, 2020

    I have the same issue, if I find a fix I'll come back to post the fix :) But I hope that they get it fixed

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