Lagg unloadchunks doesn't unload chunks #216

  • Forge_User_77344829 created this issue Jun 11, 2019

    Basically what the title says. My server runs on Spigot 1.14.2 with render distance 6. Over time, the amount of loaded chunks and entities accumulates into ungodly numbers. We could have 7 players online with 21k loaded chunks and doing /lagg unloadchunks would post "19000 chunks unloaded", but when I do /lag it says "Chunks: 21000". I've removed clearlagg from the server and this issue is not as prevalent now, although I still get high amounts of loaded chunks.

  • bob7l posted a comment Jun 11, 2019

    I don't understand how your chunks being loaded is somehow related to clearlag. This chunk issue is a known 1.14 "bug". I do not recommend using /lagg unloadchunks 


    I recommend you use Paperspigot

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