Certain command when auto-removal triggered #178

  • erenblackedits created this issue Jul 14, 2017

    I want a certain command to run when auto-removal gets triggered.

    Here is the current config for auto-removal:

      enabled: true
      broadcast-message: '&6[ClearLag] &aRemoved +RemoveAmount Entities!'
      broadcast-removal: true
      autoremoval-interval: 460
      # - this_world <-This world will be ignored during removal!
      boat: true
      falling-block: true
      experience-orb: true
      painting: false
      projectile: true
      item: true
      itemframe: false
      minecart: true
      primed-tnt: true
      # - 264
      # - 444 <-This item-id will be ignored during removal!
      # - cow <- This mob-type will be REMOVED during removal!
      # - Pig liveTime=100 <- This mob will be REMOVED if it's been alive for 100 ticks (5 seconds)
      # - Minecart !isMounted <- This entity will be REMOVED if it's NOT mounted
      # - Wolf !hasName <- This entity will be REMOVED if it doesn't have a name
            - 'time:350 msg:&4[ClearLag] &cWarning Ground items will be removed in &7+remaining &cseconds!'
            - 'time:440 msg:&4[ClearLag] &cWarning Ground items will be removed in &7+remaining &cseconds!'



    There is no place in this part of the config for custom commands to be imputed.

  • bob7l posted a comment Jul 14, 2017

    Auto-removal is just for removing entities on an interval. I'd rather not make it more complex then that. 



  • erenblackedits posted a comment Jul 14, 2017

    i want to use /mm mobs killall for the MythicMobs plugin, because your clearlagg does not register MythicMobs.

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