Entities and Non Hostile Mobs randomly disappear. #148

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Assigned to bob7l
  • _ForgeUser23850338 created this issue Jul 23, 2016

    Pastebin link to your Config (I will ignore your ticket if it doesn't contain this): I don't have a paste bin but here's the config: <<<code>>> {{{#--------------#

    1. ClearLag Configuration File #
    2. --------------#
    3. Configure to your liking, reload the config by tying: /lagg reload #
    4. - #
    5. Here is a helpful tutorial on this configuration setup! #
    6. http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/clearlagg/pages/config-setup/ #
    7. --------------#
    8. All possible mob names #
    9. http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/clearlagg/pages/mob-types/nodes/ #
    10. --------------# settings: auto-update: true enable-signs: true config-version: 5 disable-waterlife: false keep-spawn-in-memory: true enable-api: true
    1. This limits how fast a user can move from chunk-to-chunk and will prevent users from overloading your server
    2. I HIGHLY recommend you use this on servers with increased player-speeds/or fly enabled
    3. 'limit-only-fly' ONLY limit players who are currently flying
    4. 'chunk-to-chunk-time' is in milliseconds. It's the time users are allowed to move from one chunk
    5. to another. Going faster over chunks then that number will cancel their movement player-speed-limiter: enabled: false chunk-to-chunk-time: 600 limit-only-fly: false
    1. Should mobs be nerfed to prevent over-breeding to reduce CPU usage (And possibly raise TPS)
    2. When mobs are stuck too close, collisions are extremely intensive putting a pretty mean load on the server
    3. 'max-mobs' means how many bably/adult animals are allowed within the 'check-radius'
    4. 'check-radius' is the radius of what clearlag will check for 'max-mobs' mob-breeding-limiter: enabled: true max-mobs: 25 check-radius: 15
    1. Should clearlag purge logs under /logs when the server starts?
    2. days-old means how many days old can the log be to be deleted log-purger: enabled: true days-old: 2
    1. What type of entities SHOULD NOT be removed while doing /lagg area? area-filter: - Itemframe - Painting - Wolf - Villager - Horse - ARMOR_STAND
    1. Should clearlag reset the config (more stable), or attempt to add the new paths into your config?
    2. Puting this as false wont reset your config, but may cause bugs.. Still in testing! config-updater: force-update: false
    1. This limits the mob egg spawners so players cannot "overload" the server with them
    2. 'check-radius' stands for the radius clearlag will check for nearby entities
    3. 'max-mobs' is how many entities may be in the radius before the spawning is blocked mobegg-limiter: enabled: true check-radius: 5 max-mobs: 25
    1. Disable new chunk generation, or just put a cap on how many can load at once.
    2. THIS DOES NOT WORK WITH 1.6.4! chunk-limiter: enabled: false limit: 6000 create-new-chunks: true
    1. This modifies not only the view of the mobs, but will also simplify how they spawn
    2. Lower it is, the better your entity tick will be
    3. If it's too high, expect bugs / lots of lag mob-range: enabled: false zombie: 30 skeleton: 30 creeper: 20
    1. How long should items/Mobs be left on the ground
    2. Goes by seconds live-time: enabled: true interval: 10 mobtimer: true itemtimer: true arrowtimer: true arrowkilltime: 15 moblivetime: 600 itemlivetime: 240
    1. Let clearlag control the spawning in ALL worlds? (Supports all plugins!)
    2. This will also respect cancelations, unlike minecraft's native code custom-mobspawner: enabled: false
    3. How many times should clearlag attempt to find a safe location for the mob to spawn max-tries: 50
    4. (In seconds) how often should clearlag try to spawn mobs? interval: 30
    5. This is the radius around the player radius: 30
    6. This is the radius FROM the player (in blocks!) radius-from: 7
    7. How far should mobs spawn from eachother (NOT in blocks!!) (1,010 = around 10-20 blocks) mob-radius: 1010
    8. Should we keep trying to spawn a mob if a clear location isn't found forcespawn: false
    9. 4 = nighttime, what light level should mobs spawn in lightlevel: 4
    10. Chance mobs will have armor/sword, 1 being diamond every time armor-chance: 30 mobs: #More types of a mob, more likely it'll spawn(ONLY IN NORMAL WORLDS!) - zombie 5 - skeleton 3 - creeper - enderman animals: #More types of a mob, more likely it'll spawn(ONLY IN NORMAL WORLDS!) - pig 4 - sheep 1 - cow 6 - chicken 2
    1. This option disallows the placement of too many tnt-minecarts tnt-minecart: enabled: true max: 3 radius: 5
    1. This option reduces global dispenser rate dispenser-reducer: enabled: true time: 100
    1. This option reduces the explosions of mass amounts of tnt, and reduces tnt lag tnt: tnt-reducer: true
    1. This option reduces fire spread rate firespread-reducer: enabled: true time: 2000
    1. How many entities should one chunk be allowed to hold? chunk-entity-limiter: enabled: true limit: 25

    spawn-limiter: enabled: true interval: 15 monsters: 300 animals: 300

    1. Meters your TPS, if it goes to low, run the commands you wrote below! tps-meter: enabled: true interval: 15 tps-trigger: 17.0 commands: - 'lagg killmobs' - 'lagg clear'
    1. This is /lagg killmobs, put what you DON'T want removed!
    2. 'remove-named', when FALSE entities with custom names will NOT be removed kill-mobs: disable-build-wither: false mob-filter: - Villager - Wolf - ARMOR_STAND - Horse - Itemframe - Painting
    1. This takes care of mob spawners
    2. max-spawn is the max entities that can be within the check-radius
    3. check-radius is x/z radius, y-radius is y radius (up/down) mobspawner: enabled: true max-spawn: 10 check-radius: 15 y-radius: 30
    1. No longer bugged! Dont use if you have CB or Spigot! item-merger: enabled: false radius: 6
    1. Auto-removal options
    2. warnings works like this; time = the time warning should be given, msg = warning message at that time
    3. NOTE: The below 'remove' section applies to this remover!
    4. NOTE: Putting the interval to low will cause issues! auto-removal: enabled: true broadcast-message: '&6[ClearLag] &aRemoved +RemoveAmount Entities!' broadcast-warning: true autoremoval-interval: 460 warnings: - time:400 msg:&4[ClearLag] &cWarning Ground items will be removed in &7+remaining &cseconds! - time:440 msg:&4[ClearLag] &cWarning Ground items will be removed in &7+remaining &cseconds!
    1. What should be removed during an auto-removal remove: world-filter: - this_world broadcast-removal: true boat: true falling-block: false experienceOrb: true painting: true projectile: true item: true itemframe: false minecart: true primed-tnt: true arrow: true snowball: true fireball: true ender-signal: true item-filter:
    2. - 264
    3. - 265
    4. - 311
    5. - 312
    6. - 266 remove-mobs:
    7. - cow
    1. What should be removed during /lagg clear command-remove: world-filter: - this_world broadcast-removal: false boat: true falling-block: false experienceOrb: true painting: true projectile: true item: true itemframe: false minecart: true primed-tnt: true arrow: true snowball: true fireball: true ender-signal: true item-filter:
    2. - 264
    3. - 265
    4. - 311
    5. - 312
    6. - 266 remove-mobs:
    7. - cow

    check: world-filter: - this_world boat: true falling-block: true experienceOrb: true painting: true projectile: true item: true itemframe: false minecart: true primed-tnt: true arrow: true snowball: true fireball: true ender-signal: true item-filter:

    1. - 264
    2. - 265
    3. - 311
    4. - 312
    5. - 266 mobs: creature: true animals: true monster: true

    limit: enable-limit: true max: 1000 check-interval: 60 broadcast-message: '&6[ClearLag] &aLimit reached, removed +RemoveAmount Entities!' world-filter: - this_world broadcast-removal: true boat: true falling-block: true experienceOrb: true painting: true projectile: true item: true itemframe: false minecart: true primed-tnt: true arrow: true snowball: true fireball: true ender-signal: true item-filter:

    1. - 264
    2. - 265
    3. - 311
    4. - 312
    5. - 266}}} <<</code>>>

    What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Spawn an armor stand and wait it will disappear before the call for clear lag. 2. Spawn a polar bear it will also disappear

    What is the expected output? What do you see instead? The entity should remain until clear lag calls for the clearing.

    What version of the product are you using? The latest snapshot.

    Do you have an error log of what happened? It doesn't generate an error.

  • _ForgeUser23850338 added the tags New Defect Jul 23, 2016
  • bob7l posted a comment Jul 25, 2016

    I can't read the config you posted. Upload it to pastebin or hashbin.

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