NPC disappear #134

  • New
  • Defect
Assigned to bob7l
  • _ForgeUser22982961 created this issue May 12, 2016

    I 'm using clearlag and Citizens

    Yesterday I upgraded from version 2.8.4 to version 2.9.1

    When used /lagg unloadchunks, npc's disappear

    Spigot 1.8.8, clearlag 2.9.1, citizens 2.0.16

    No errors in logs

  • _ForgeUser22982961 added the tags New Defect May 12, 2016
  • bob7l posted a comment May 29, 2016

    Clearlag calls the ChunkUnloadEvent event before attempting to unload a chunk. If Citizens isn't listening to that event and handling it appropriately then it's a bug on their side.

    You don't really have to use /unloadchunks on spigot either considering they deactivate entities, chunks, and so on when players aren't near them. Spigot should also be able to efficiently and silently unload the chunks it's self.

    The only time i'd recommend using unloadchunks is when you're very low on memory and have no choice but to use it.

  • _ForgeUser22982961 posted a comment May 30, 2016

    The "error" not happen in version 2.9.0.

    In addition to NPC, also they disappeared animals and monsters.

    Edited May 30, 2016
  • bob7l posted a comment May 30, 2016

    @Seruhio18: Go

    2.9.1 simply added an event before unloading the chunk for api.

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