
Index of useful info


A Config.yml file is generated when CityWorld first runs and each time it is told to create a new world. These options only affect "new generation", changing them after a world has been generated will produce some odd results.

I have tried to ensure these options all work together but the number of permutations are pretty large. Also some options are exclusive of other options, for example if you decide to not include buildings then asking for the buildings, that you have excluded, to be decayed doesn't make much sense.

Note: Here is what I normally do when creating a new world. It is a little awkward but it works for me.

  1. Startup your server and create the new world (via whatever technique you like), remember to read the Installation instructions, this will make CityWorld generate the associated configuration section in plugins/CityWorld/config.yml.
  2. Next I shut down the server go change those newly created settings to what I really want the world to be like.
  3. Then I delete the previously created world and restart my server. If all goes well the newly created world should be regenerated but now using those new options I picked.

If you are wanting to create a particular world style, like floating, take a look at the Installation instructions. Note: that certain world styles will turn off/on some of the options listed below.


  • If you regenerate the world using the same version, options and seed (how you set this depends on your multiverse manager works), you should get a nearly identical world, where only foliage might change. Keep in mind when there is a CityWorld version change, all bets are off though. Similar seeds might/will generated wholly new worlds.
  • Two worlds with the same seed but slightly different options very well could create very similar worlds. For example, assuming the seed and all other options are the same, two worlds only differing in the inclusion of the IncludeDecayedBuildings option will create two parallel worlds: One normal, one destroyed.
  • If you generate a new world there might not be a city nearby (or mountains, or seas, etc.). That is the nature of Random. If you don't like what you get, trash the world and generate a new one (with a different seed). Keep in mind though, the city of your dreams might be just on the other side of that mountain so go forth and explore!
  • Except where otherwise stated, all options default to true and simply control the inclusion or exclusion of a certain feature or not.

Man made features

IncludeRoadsGenerate roads
IncludeRoundaboutsIf roads are generated, then optionally generate roundabouts
IncludeSewersIf roads are generated, then generate a maze of sewers under them
IncludeBuildingsGenerate buildings
IncludeBasementsIf buildings are generated, then optionally generate basements
IncludeHousesGenerate houses
IncludeFarmsGenerate farms
IncludeCisternsif buildings are generated, then generate cisterns under the parks
IncludeMinesGenerate maze of mine shafts underground
IncludeBunkersGenerate something somewhere... It is a secret

Natural features

IncludeSeasGenerate sea basins between the mountains and cities
IncludeMountainsGenerate mountainous bumps between the seas and cities
IncludeLavaFieldsInclude lava pools way down below
IncludeCavesHollow out caves in the ground
IncludeOresRandomly place ores underground
IncludeBonesRandomly place fossils underground and in museums

Trick or Treat

SpawnersInSewersIf there are sewers then include spawners in them
SpawnersInMinesIf there are mines then include spawners in them
SpawnersInBunkersIf there are bunkers then include spawners in them
TreasuresInSewersIf there are sewers then include treasure chests in them
TreasuresInMinesIf there are mines then include treasure chests in them
TreasuresInBunkersIf there are bunkers then include treasure chests in them


IncludeUndergroundFluidsIf ores are generated, then generate water and lava as welltrue
IncludeAbovegroundFluidsIf sea basins are generated, then generate water in themtrue
IncludeWorkingLightsWhere lights are made, try to make sure the generate lighttrue
IncludeNamedRoadsIf roads are generated, add road signs to the intersectionstrue
IncludeDecayedRoadsIf roads are generated, destroy them a littlefalse
IncludeDecayedBuildingsIf buildings are generated, destroy them a littlefalse
IncludeDecayedNatureWhere nature is generated, destroy it a little. This will also force all biomes to be Desertfalse
IncludeBuildingInteriorsPut stuff inside of buildingstrue
ForceLoadWorldEditIgnores WorldEdit version numbersfalse
BroadcastSpecialPlacesWriteOut the location of each special structure as it generatesfalse
TreeStyleSpecifies how trees generateNORMALNORMAL, SPOOKY, CRYSTAL
SubSurfaceStyleSpecifies what gets generated below a floating CityWorldLANDNONE, LAND, CLOUD, LAVA

Note: Some of the above options will default a different way in worlds generated in the Nether or The_End.

Generation Range

ConstructChunkRadiusHow far do isolated construct chunks generate (oil platforms, radio towers, shacks, etc.), in chunks from the world's center point)
RoadChunkRadiusHow far do roads chunks generate, in chunks from the world's center point
CityChunkRadiusHow far do cities chunks generate, in chunks from the world's center point
CenterPointOfChunkRadiusXWhere is the center point of the above options, defaults to 0
CenterPointOfChunkRadiusZWhere is the center point of the above options, defaults to 0
BuildOutsideRadiusGenerates things outside a circle of nature, instead of the other way around (totally inverts all the range limits logic)

Note: If the road radius is larger than the city radius, the roads generate without lights, lines, sewers, etc.

Radius In the above picture the inner circle, centered on world's 0,0, represents the CityChunkRadius (in this case 10 chunks), the outer ring shows the RoadChunkRadius (20 chunks).

Note: that the bridges and tunnels will stop generating abruptly when they hit the road radius specified.

Material Generation

Random_Materials_For_Bunker_ChestsList of items that can be in a bunker's chest, a random subset will be used
Random_Materials_For_Mine_ChestsList of items that can be in a mine's chest, a random subset will be used
Random_Materials_For_Sewer_ChestsList of items that can be in a sewer's chest, a random subset will be used
Random_Materials_For_Storage_Shed_ChestsList of items that can be in a storage shed's chest, a random subset will be used
Random_Materials_For_Farm_ChestsList of items that can be in a farm's chest, a random subset will be used
Random_Materials_For_Farm_Output_ChestsList of items that can be in a farm's output chest, a random subset will be used
Random_Materials_For_Lumber_ChestsList of items that can be in a lumber yard's chest, a random subset will be used
Random_Materials_For_Lumber_Output_ChestsList of items that can be in a lumber yard's output chest, a random subset will be used
Random_Materials_For_Quary_ChestsList of items that can be in a quary's chest, a random subset will be used
Random_Materials_For_Quary_Output_ChestsList of items that can be in a quary's output chest, a random subset will be used
Materials_For_BuildingWallsList of materials that can be used to make a building's wall, a random material from this list will be used
Materials_For_BuildingCeilingsList of materials that can be used to make a building's ceilings, a random material from this list will be used
Materials_For_BuildingRoofsList of materials that can be used to make a building's roofs, a random material from this list will be used
Materials_For_UnfinishedBuildingsList of materials that can be used to make a unfinished building's cross beams, a random material from this list will be used
Materials_For_HouseWallsList of materials that can be used to make a house's wall, a random material from this list will be used
Materials_For_HouseFloorsList of materials that can be used to make a house's floor, a random material from this list will be used
Materials_For_HouseCeilingsList of materials that can be used to make a house's ceiling, a random material from this list will be used
Materials_For_HouseRoofsList of materials that can be used to make a house's roof, a random material from this list will be used
Materials_For_ShackWallsList of materials that can be used to make a shack's wall, a random material from this list will be used
Materials_For_ShackRoofsList of materials that can be used to make a shack's roof, a random material from this list will be used
Materials_For_ShedWallsList of materials that can be used to make a shet's wall, a random material from this list will be used
Materials_For_ShedRoofsList of materials that can be used to make a shed's roof, a random material from this list will be used
Materials_For_QuaryPilesList of materials that can be used to make a quary's pile, a random material from this list will be sprinkled in
Materials_For_CastlesList of materials that can be used to make a castle, a random material from this list will be used
Materials_List_For_MazeWallsOrdered list of materials that will be used to make the mazes
Materials_List_For_RoadsOrdered list of materials that will be used to make the roads
Materials_List_For_NormalOresOrdered list of materials that will be sprinkled in the ground
Materials_List_For_NetherOresOrdered list of materials that will be sprinkled in the ground
Materials_List_For_TheEndOresOrdered list of materials that will be sprinkled in the ground

If you want to reset one of the above lists back to its default, simply remove it from the configuration file and the defaults will be written back out.

Deprecated options

IncludeWoolRoadsCityWorld now uses stained clay and quartz for roads
IncludePavedRoadsSee deprecated note for IncludeWoolRoads
RoadRangeUse RoadChunkRadius instead
CityRangeUse CityChunkRadius instead
IncludeTekkitMaterialsGenerating Tekkit materials removed as of 3.0
ForceLoadTekkitTekkit support removed as of 3.0
IncludeFloatingSubsurfaceUse SubSurfaceStyle instead