Development Halt
Due to a Bukkit API problem we will no longer update this plugin. Please check out our other plugins which include, HighVoltage, DynamicEconomy,SocietyCraft. We are also currently working on a iOS app which may slow development of our plugins
Individual options for every guard
- horizontal and vertical protection area size
- damage
- toggle invincibility
- a time the guard is active (day, night or all)
- a name
- It's that easy: Write /guard create and the mob type, e.g. Zombie, and a guard will be created on the position you are looking at.
- To modify a guard, first select it by right clicking it and then use the commands. All default settings a guard will use on creation can be set in the config.
- The guard will now automatically attack hostile mobs and players who attack other players within it's horizontal and vertical radius.
- Also friendly mobs are possible, but of course they can't deal damage to anybody, they only pursuit their target.
- You have to enter the mob names exactly like this: Zombie
- zombie, ZOMBIE, ZOmbie or something else will not work!
- zombie, ZOMBIE, ZOmbie or something else will not work!
Available guard types
Blaze, CaveSpider, Chicken, Cow, Creeper, Enderman, Giant, Monster, MushroomCow, Pig, PigZombie, Sheep, Silverfish, Skeleton, Snowman, Spider, Squid, Villager, Wolf, Zombie
This list could be outdated!
It is known that in the latest version of this plugin that the guards may not attack mobs attacking the player. This is due to a bug in the Bukkit API. For more info please look at the link below:
Demonstration Video
(If you live in Germany and the video is blocked, use this one)
Thanks a lot to sooi11 for making this!
Commands & Permissions
Are you using the latest recommended build of CraftBukkit (CB 1.1-R1)? It sounds like you are still using CB 1.0.1 for minecraft 1.0.0.
You can download CB 1.1-R1 from here -
Hi, I have downloaded the lastest version of CityGuard (v1.1 for CB 1.1-R1) and when i start my server i got this message :
SEVERE: Error occurred while enabling CityGuard v1.1 (Is it up to date?): org.bukkit.pluginmanager.registerevents(lorg/bukkit/event/listener;Lorg/bukkit/plugin/plugin;)V
And when i type a command in the game, it says:An internal error as occured...
Can someone help me plz?
Thank you!
After getting rid of the GUARD.JAR and Removing the code in the Citizens JAR that has anything to do with guards, I was able to get this work around to work :)
Verified - WORKS
** ISSUES ** Some of my NPC traders lost their trader flag and i had to re set them back up. But not all of them, just random traders. Although all in all we are doing good **
** NOTE ** The Villager Guard does NOT attack, so you HAVE to use monsters, sad face.
Try to edit the plugin.yml inside the jar, but I don't know if this works. You can also open the plugin.yml from Citizens and delete the guard commands, so only CityGuard uses /guard
Having issues running this with citizens. /guard is used by citizens, anyway of getting around this?
1.1 is out!
This update is highly recommended! Guard disappearing is fixed completely now.
Many thanks to my restless tester and documenter Mako_Shark, who helped me a lot and accelerated this update.
For the complete changelog click here.
Status update: Version 1.1 is finished, but there is a bug with chunks. It seems to be inside Bukkit and I reported it on Jira. Without a fix for this, guards will disappear on every chunk reload, cause I am unable to reload them. Because this is a major functionality and has to be working, I will not publish 1.1 without it.
Changelog v1.1:
<reply 508402>>
It doesnt happen with mobs like :wolfs
This is a known bug in the current version. The guards often disappear if the chunk is unloaded and reloaded or the server is restarted.
@ShwarzerZykunder , that was my awnser to the person before , my question is - If you spawn mobs [Enemy[ they dissapear after a while
I can't spawn PigZombies or Creepers... any ideas? O_o They get saved in the Guards file and the console gives me no errors. Also, I do recieve the message of a guard beeing watching me.
Well, this is a guard plugin, so I will not add medics, traders or something else. But I'm already working on human guards ;)
Working on it.
<reply 504605>> Your last question, can you add "human guards" either use villiagers or look up the "citizens"plugin , you can have guards with diffent skins , weapons and tools.It has medics and lots of npc types , this mod is just for mobs
And I don't know if possible but could you add human guards(if possible) and give them armor and such.
Other than this this is a very awesome plugin! :)
Hi! Nice Plugin! Tried And It Works! Its really good , but can you make the guards more "aware" of nearby buildings and mobs? cuz' they only seem to attack ceartin mobs or they just walk around aimlessly
-edit , i have an idea ! =D how about you can set a block for "guards" to walk on/follow? -edit 2 : Most of the time guards disappear i have 9 set, /guard move wont work . it says it has moved but it doesn't
Cool. Thanks for responding. =)
This is a known bug. If you want to delete the guards when they disappear, you can delete them manually from the config file. This will hopefully be fixed in the next version.
First of all, very cool plugin. Thanks for working on it. Everything setup and configured fine. Only thing is that when I leave the area, the guards despawn. When I come back I still get alerted when I'm in their zone, but they are nowhere to be seen, which also means I can't move or delete them.
Yeah, this plugin contains some bugs, but I am writing by examination work right now and don't have the time to work on this the next one or two weeks. But after that, I will start fixing.
I'm having an issue where the guards literally don't do anything. They spawn properly, all the commands work, no matter what watch size i set 5, 10, 20. They don't attack even if i am engaged with a hostile mob right next to it. I'm using a Bukkit 1.1 snapshot, and am wondering if that might have something to do with it? I don't get any errors in the server start up no visible errors while using, other than this.
It's a really cool concept I just want it to work :3