Development Halt
Due to a Bukkit API problem we will no longer update this plugin. Please check out our other plugins which include, HighVoltage, DynamicEconomy,SocietyCraft. We are also currently working on a iOS app which may slow development of our plugins
Individual options for every guard
- horizontal and vertical protection area size
- damage
- toggle invincibility
- a time the guard is active (day, night or all)
- a name
- It's that easy: Write /guard create and the mob type, e.g. Zombie, and a guard will be created on the position you are looking at.
- To modify a guard, first select it by right clicking it and then use the commands. All default settings a guard will use on creation can be set in the config.
- The guard will now automatically attack hostile mobs and players who attack other players within it's horizontal and vertical radius.
- Also friendly mobs are possible, but of course they can't deal damage to anybody, they only pursuit their target.
- You have to enter the mob names exactly like this: Zombie
- zombie, ZOMBIE, ZOmbie or something else will not work!
- zombie, ZOMBIE, ZOmbie or something else will not work!
Available guard types
Blaze, CaveSpider, Chicken, Cow, Creeper, Enderman, Giant, Monster, MushroomCow, Pig, PigZombie, Sheep, Silverfish, Skeleton, Snowman, Spider, Squid, Villager, Wolf, Zombie
This list could be outdated!
It is known that in the latest version of this plugin that the guards may not attack mobs attacking the player. This is due to a bug in the Bukkit API. For more info please look at the link below:
Demonstration Video
(If you live in Germany and the video is blocked, use this one)
Thanks a lot to sooi11 for making this!
Commands & Permissions
Can you make this compatible with Citizens?
Whenever I use a command, it says: An internal error has occurred while attempting to perform this command". And when I start up the server, it says something like, "Is the plugin out of date?" And then gives errors. I'd really like to use this plugin, but it doesn't work for me. Any suggestions?
Would it be possible to make this compatible with Factions? so it wont attack other faction members?
Use the new Bukkit 1.1 recommended build...
i have a chrash hey say: 11:50:58 [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling CityGuard v1.1 (Is it up to date ?): org.bukkit.plugin.PluginManager.registerEvents(Lorg/bukkit/event/Listener;Lo rg/bukkit/plugin/Plugin;)V java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.bukkit.plugin.PluginManager.registerEvents(Lorg /bukkit/event/Listener;Lorg/bukkit/plugin/Plugin;)V at me.zylinder.cityguard.CityGuard.onEnable( at at .java:970) at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManage at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin( at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins( ) at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.reload( at org.bukkit.Bukkit.reload( at org.bukkit.command.defaults.ReloadCommand.execute( 22) at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch( 8) at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand( 82) at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand( 78) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.b( at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w( at at wat is wrong?
Alright, well unless I find any more problems, I'll include another suggestion in this comment!
Maybe it would be cool to work with, or adopt in features, from the plugin Monster Apocalypse
This makes monsters worse/better ai. In example, the skeleton can shoot with more accuracy and much further. This would be cool for a guard in a city, which is the only one in an world of anarchy.
(Also, I have the message set to false on the newest version, just downloaded, and it still appears.)
Make sure you are using version 1.1 and "send-messages" is set to false in the config. For the disappearing enable debug mode and try to find out something, if you are successful create a ticket pls. Comments are just messy for support.
Thank you for replying, Zylinder
I understand all of your replies, and I actually DID have three at one point but deleted it <<
1-Anyway, I mean by players using pvp like, players who are hitting and killing each other (in a guard's area.) I didn't know if it was automatic or not.
2- Also, once again, my guards have completely disappeared, although I know they're still there because of the message. "You are watched by $guard now!"
3- about the message, I have it disabled in the config, but it still shows up. Why let the exiled know that they're being targeted? :D
Sorry for the delay; I've been having a lot of internet troubles. Anyway, thanks, and I'll get right on that logo. :3
Enable debug mode and try to recreate the issues pls.
@Sethimine 1. I put that on the to-do list 2. What do you mean with "players using pvp"? 3. Where is 3.? :D 4. Not very good, because multiple guards can use the same name.
Great plugin but... after few seconds/minuts, my guard doesn't attack anymore. Why ?
And when i use /guard setdamage X, damages are the same.
I fixed the actual creation of the guards, and I have a couple questions:
1. Is it possible to set guards to check and attack people in permission groups?
2. How do we set them to attack players using pvp? I didn't see this in the config.
4. Maybe let us select guards by their names? I can't find mine, but the message saying that he watching me (which I actually had disabled in the configuration) still comes on.
ONe more edit: I just found out that the guards disappear entirely, having watched them for a minute
As in the description said, friendly mobs do not attack.
You forgot an argument. I will add a catch for this, so you get an error message instead of internal errors. Thought I would have done this already...
If you are using CB 1.1 - R1 there should not be any problem. Please check your version of CraftBukkit. This should be printed on the 6th line when you start your server.
It should read - "This server is running Craftbukkit version git-Bukkit-1.1-R1-b1818jnks (MC: 1.1) (Implementing API version 1.1-R1)"
It is also possible that you may have entered the wrong number of arguments after /guard. The plugin should not let you do this though, but it would explain why it was caused by java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1. Please check the documentation to make sure you are entering the command correctly once you have check your bukkit version.
I will test if I am able to cause this with the wrong number of arguments and tell Schwarzer if I can so he can fix it.
I need this as well, for PvP flag reasons. Please add this.. (This is about Flags for groups - Need a way to set a group as auto attack guard if you can do that)
I see, well Monsters work too :) Just some people see them and think OMG Zombie and hit them, lol. But it is okay, I can work with them as is unless there is a way to change the villagers at all. This is a great fix for Heroes and Citizens servers like mine that BOTH of those plugin teams point the finger at the other guy on their fourms. The Heroes guys say NO it is a problem with Citizens, and when I asked on the Citizens forums I think they deleted my post, I can't find it anymore, lol. So that answers the question that NO they don't want to fix it, so great job with this.
Also, although it says in the console for 1.1 CB RB, It says there was an internal server error when I attempt to create a guard.
Would it be possible to add in permission-based attacks? Basically, you can set the guard to check and attack players in the "Default" group.
Thank you very much! It work Great now!
Replace your existing CraftBukkit.jar file with the new one and rename it to CraftBukkit.jar (assuming your existing one is called CraftBukkit.jar).
You also you need to make sure you update your minecraft client to 1.1 if you haven't already.
Ha! Thank you! but where do i put the CraftBukkit CB 1.1-R1.JAR File? do i need to replace the CraftBukkit.Jar file by this one? or do i need tu put it in the Bukkit_Update folder? I dont know how XD