Development Halt
Due to a Bukkit API problem we will no longer update this plugin. Please check out our other plugins which include, HighVoltage, DynamicEconomy,SocietyCraft. We are also currently working on a iOS app which may slow development of our plugins
Individual options for every guard
- horizontal and vertical protection area size
- damage
- toggle invincibility
- a time the guard is active (day, night or all)
- a name
- It's that easy: Write /guard create and the mob type, e.g. Zombie, and a guard will be created on the position you are looking at.
- To modify a guard, first select it by right clicking it and then use the commands. All default settings a guard will use on creation can be set in the config.
- The guard will now automatically attack hostile mobs and players who attack other players within it's horizontal and vertical radius.
- Also friendly mobs are possible, but of course they can't deal damage to anybody, they only pursuit their target.
- You have to enter the mob names exactly like this: Zombie
- zombie, ZOMBIE, ZOmbie or something else will not work!
- zombie, ZOMBIE, ZOmbie or something else will not work!
Available guard types
Blaze, CaveSpider, Chicken, Cow, Creeper, Enderman, Giant, Monster, MushroomCow, Pig, PigZombie, Sheep, Silverfish, Skeleton, Snowman, Spider, Squid, Villager, Wolf, Zombie
This list could be outdated!
It is known that in the latest version of this plugin that the guards may not attack mobs attacking the player. This is due to a bug in the Bukkit API. For more info please look at the link below:
Demonstration Video
(If you live in Germany and the video is blocked, use this one)
Thanks a lot to sooi11 for making this!
Commands & Permissions
Oh, that was fast. Oh, well. Taylor could've made a good one, but the one that you picked is cool, too. I still hope that you incorporate the suggestion that many of us have been imposing, namely the "allowed" list deal thingy. Keep up the good work. I hope that you're ready to upgrade for 1.2-R5. ^_^
Can you add snowmen as guards but prevent them from leaving that annoying snow trail ?
The logo contest is closed
Thanks for everybody who sent me an image! I received many great works, but only one can win. But be sure that it was a difficult decision.
Congratulations to sooi11!
His work is now the official CityGuard logo.
Why should they stand in one place? How should they attack?
Can you give more information?
Yeah, nice idea, will try not to forget this =)
Isn't /guard already very short? :)
@All of you: PLEASE create tickets!! In the top menu click on the tickets and then create a new one.
I like the idea and seems really useful but can you make it so you can modify what mobs/players/etc the guard attacks? So you can put mobs night guards while the players can freely roam around without being attacked by mobs. Or make it so they only attack certain players or mobs you don't want entering the area.
please fix the guards become inactive after about 1 min even though there are mobs around i ve changed the time to all but it doesnt help please fix
Okay, so, is it possible to make the guard stay in one place? If not, then that would be a great feature. And when it kills someone it teleports back to the place you spawned it at.
can u make shortcuts for /gaurd please
Is it possible to have a limit of guard number?
Hey there, I made a logo for the plugin...
Full 1024x1024 size here: 1024x1024_size_here
there's also a small 32x32
what do you mean ticket?
every thing works besides /guard create
That means what it says, an error occured. You can find more information in the server log, copy the whole error message and create a ticket pls.
I agree with ploopdud, you need to have copyright permissions if the picture is not your own work! Otherwise great job.
Because there are so many people making a logo, I didn't make decision yet, but I will do so in the next time.
it says "a international error has occurred while attempting this command" what does that mean
@fernivm Is that an original picture (do you have copyright permissions for that picture) because it might not be so good if you dont....
I maed u a logo Tell me if u like it it doesnt come out complete go here for the complete
Do you use version 1.1?
debug mode does not work. if you try to use it, it shows the list of commands, and debug isnt there.
Ticket system was disabled, I activated it...
Please test again with debug mode enabled and post a ticket with the results when you leave a chunk, causing it to unload, when you return to the chunk, and after a server restart.
Comments are for commenting, not reporting bugs, that is what tickets are there for.
Guys: PLEASE make tickets! Comments are for COMMENTING!
And if you say "it gives me a bunch of errors" it says me nothing! Create a ticket, post the server log and try it out with enabled debug mode.