Development Halt
Due to a Bukkit API problem we will no longer update this plugin. Please check out our other plugins which include, HighVoltage, DynamicEconomy,SocietyCraft. We are also currently working on a iOS app which may slow development of our plugins
Individual options for every guard
- horizontal and vertical protection area size
- damage
- toggle invincibility
- a time the guard is active (day, night or all)
- a name
- It's that easy: Write /guard create and the mob type, e.g. Zombie, and a guard will be created on the position you are looking at.
- To modify a guard, first select it by right clicking it and then use the commands. All default settings a guard will use on creation can be set in the config.
- The guard will now automatically attack hostile mobs and players who attack other players within it's horizontal and vertical radius.
- Also friendly mobs are possible, but of course they can't deal damage to anybody, they only pursuit their target.
- You have to enter the mob names exactly like this: Zombie
- zombie, ZOMBIE, ZOmbie or something else will not work!
- zombie, ZOMBIE, ZOmbie or something else will not work!
Available guard types
Blaze, CaveSpider, Chicken, Cow, Creeper, Enderman, Giant, Monster, MushroomCow, Pig, PigZombie, Sheep, Silverfish, Skeleton, Snowman, Spider, Squid, Villager, Wolf, Zombie
This list could be outdated!
It is known that in the latest version of this plugin that the guards may not attack mobs attacking the player. This is due to a bug in the Bukkit API. For more info please look at the link below:
Demonstration Video
(If you live in Germany and the video is blocked, use this one)
Thanks a lot to sooi11 for making this!
Commands & Permissions
can you use iron golems as guards? Cause that would be awesome!!!
You have typed the name incorrectly or the creature is not supported by the plugin. Which creature do you want to use?
whenever I try to create a guard it says "CityGuard this is not a creature". uhh how do I fix this?
If you write a list with corrections, I'll add them.
Please fix the grammatical errors, it's driving me nuts on my server and my members think i'm the one who typed it that way. >.<
If i use Villager, the villager runs away from the enemy. Can I change That?
I love this plugin but I got a problem the guards keep attacking me like when I make a creeper guard he kills me and not hostile mobs. how to fix this?
Pretty good plugin. I'm new to owning a server, and I had a few questions. Is there a way to change the text that displays when players interact with guards? Better yet, is there a way to remove it altogether? (some of it is grammatically incorrect)
Also, I encountered a bug in which a deleted guard reappeared, and I was only able to get rid of it after deleting and reinstalling the plugin. Don't have a log for it, sorry.
Nice plugin, i do have a request tho.. i want to be able to set limitations to how many guards can be created
Thanks in advance
A few requests/compaints.
Cant set a golem as a guard Setting any creature to invincible golem can still kill Setting any creature to damage multiplier by 100000000 still cant take out golem in 1 hit.
My users think its funny to make the golems take out the other guards. PLease FIX!
Plugin is updated to new Bukkit build. I don't have the time now to add new functions, so it is only an update, sorry.
Alot of people are using DEV builds and even more have stuck to the beta, If you update to the beta chances are it will still work when a RB is released, or only require minor tweaks.
I would be very happy if you could update this as it's holding my server development back.
I also like dargon's permissions integration idea, golems being added is kind of a given though.
Thanks i lot for this awesome plugin. While updating can you add Guard mob IronGolem And if it is possible to add command with command Guard to attak a cetraing group in Permmissions? like /guard attak g:prisoners ?
Players on my server using iron golems at gates for kill mobs and fear enemy clans.
I will update it for 1.2 when a recommended build is out...
Is it for MC Bukkit 1.2.3?
@SchwarzerZylinder Is it updated for 1.2.3 yet oh and do you have skype so i can have a word with you
Sounds like a neat plugin - interesting :)
Actually, there's no sense in me writing a ticket for it. The suggestion is the same thing that everyone is saying, and it's the same thing that we spoke about in our PM string: Make it so that guards can remember who they should not attack, so that friends can come by and visit your place without being mauled, and the guad will still be able to stop griefers.
Cool! No problem.
I think that there's another plugin that stops snow golems from leaving snow trails. If not, why not just box them in? Put a perimiter of two-block-high walls (The lower blocks are optional; they're just to stop spiders from getting in and screwing with your golems.) around the area that you want to allow them to move in, and they can't jump out. The last time that I checked, this didn't get in the way of them throwing snowballs.
Yeah, I'm busy now, but I will definitely keep working on this plugin.
Could you make a ticket for the suggestions? Otherwise I might loose them in the mass of comments =)
Aren't they already possible?