Development Halt
Due to a Bukkit API problem we will no longer update this plugin. Please check out our other plugins which include, HighVoltage, DynamicEconomy,SocietyCraft. We are also currently working on a iOS app which may slow development of our plugins
Individual options for every guard
- horizontal and vertical protection area size
- damage
- toggle invincibility
- a time the guard is active (day, night or all)
- a name
- It's that easy: Write /guard create and the mob type, e.g. Zombie, and a guard will be created on the position you are looking at.
- To modify a guard, first select it by right clicking it and then use the commands. All default settings a guard will use on creation can be set in the config.
- The guard will now automatically attack hostile mobs and players who attack other players within it's horizontal and vertical radius.
- Also friendly mobs are possible, but of course they can't deal damage to anybody, they only pursuit their target.
- You have to enter the mob names exactly like this: Zombie
- zombie, ZOMBIE, ZOmbie or something else will not work!
- zombie, ZOMBIE, ZOmbie or something else will not work!
Available guard types
Blaze, CaveSpider, Chicken, Cow, Creeper, Enderman, Giant, Monster, MushroomCow, Pig, PigZombie, Sheep, Silverfish, Skeleton, Snowman, Spider, Squid, Villager, Wolf, Zombie
This list could be outdated!
It is known that in the latest version of this plugin that the guards may not attack mobs attacking the player. This is due to a bug in the Bukkit API. For more info please look at the link below:
Demonstration Video
(If you live in Germany and the video is blocked, use this one)
Thanks a lot to sooi11 for making this!
Commands & Permissions
When will u fix the problem of guards going out of their areas like normal mobs?
not a problem i have finals this month as well as well as prom and graduation
please post all comments on BukkitDev
If u push the guard out of his range he will go wheer they want, it never comes to it's initial possition just walks around.
Would there be any way to add a damage component to normally non-hostile mobs, such as villagers or chickens?
Also, can you add iron golems to the list of mobs?
I would like to continue as tester but I will not have time until the end of May due to exams.
Hello all, I will update the current developers and testers of this plugin as soon as SchwarzerZylinder allows me to. As for a update we are working hard to try to fix this bug but are still facing bukkit API problems. we will have a update out as soon as we can.
When I put a mob and set his horizontal and vertical radius mob still dont attack the creature.
we are trying to fix the bugs but are limited by the bukkit API
Every time I drop an item, this happens. Do you think you can fix this, because if you can't soon, I'll be forced to move my guards from my city's main square somewhere else.
May i suggest /guard list <radius> <species>, as a way to quickly find which guard one needs to work on?
I had an enderman guard inside a building with a 20 radius protection. The booger is watching me, but is no where to be found. Same with a spider in a cage; its gone, but its watching still. the "/guard move" moves another guard (also invisible), not the one i want to work on. Is there a configuration i overlooked? Are they being looked at by VanishNoPacket as admins?
Thanks for the info!
I'd love to see functionality similar to Ultima Online's way of handling guards... As soon as a player initiates PVP in a protected area, a guard teleports to that player (or is created next to him) and attacks him. That way the player isn't able to cheat the guards by finding a spot they can't path to. In UO it was an instant kill, but I'd like to have the option for the player to be able to escape by running out of the protected area as well.
Would that protection mode be at all possible? Thanks!
P.S. - I'm having trouble with guards not attacking players right now, but I do know there are issues with Bukkit 1.2.5 AI pathing. The player shows up in the guard's debug target list, but the guard makes no attempt to attack.
P.P.S - There are some grammar and spacing issues in the plugin's text, would it be possible to make all of the plugin's text output configurable? You could kill two birds with one stone that way because you'd have a kind of multi-language functionality by doing that.
Sorry if I'm so picky about the plugin, but I find it really promising and would love to put it into production!
The guards roam around a small area the attacker must be within the guards protection area The guard will attempt to reach the threat until it can or the threat leaves Iron Golems support is on our todo list but is a minor goal compared to some bug fixes and new feature implimentations.
we are adding WorldEdit compatibility. As defining groups, users or factions that are safe from the guards we have not yet planned on implementing it but it seems to be a popular suggestion and you may see this added in the near future.
I could use this mod if you could define groups or factions. By this I mean: Players 1-5 are in faction A Players 6-10 are in Faction B
If a player from Faction A attacks faction B then a guard of Faction B will attack player from Faction A, but will not attack members in it's own faction for defending themselves. However it still should attack members of it's faction if there is infighting.
A few questions...
we are working on a fix to this
Iron golem ID is
Villagergolem or VillagerGolem
Also, could you add a feature to make our guards follow us, and attack enemies ON SIGHT. I hate having to get hit by something to make it attack.
Available guard types
Blaze, CaveSpider, Chicken, Cow, Creeper, Enderman, Giant, Monster, MushroomCow, Pig, PigZombie, Sheep, Silverfish, Skeleton, Snowman, Spider, Squid, Villager, Wolf, Zombie
Does this plugin support Iron Golem guards? If so, what is the creature ID?