
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

This project has gone inactive due to the allways lagged behind release cycle of spout and when certain versions took over a month to be released I stopped I stopped waiting and caring. If some one wants to pick this project up let me know.

Citizen Skins

Help Wanted If you run a server that uses this and are tired of my inconsistent update times, for witch i don't blame you and would like to see more frequent and better updates please send me a PM. I am looking to get at least one other person who can maintain the code and a few servers that are running this to give constant feedback.

1st SC


CitizenSkins is an extension to Citizens that allows you to further customize your experience by setting Citizen NPC's to custom skins. This Plugin requires spout to work. The spout client is necessary to see the effects, not having it you wont see anything from this plugin. This plugin was motivated to mimic the skinning feature of CitizenSpout because it has gone inactive. (The dev confirmed on the spout forums it is inactive now)


  • Set Custom Skins to Citizens NPC
  • Set Custom Capes to Citizens NPC


  • /npcskin <skinurl> (npcuid)
  • /npccape <capeurl> (npcuid)
  • /citizenskins <Help>|(<get|set|remove> <setting> (value))

Full Command Info


  • citizenskins.setnpcskin
  • citizenskins.setnpccape

Full Permissions Info

Pre Reqs

Made for Citizens 2.0.2

Requires SpoutPlugin 1.3.2-R1.0

SpoutCraft Client

Known Issues

Project Issue and Task List
Use the bukkitDev issue list to submit bugs and feature requests. I will look here for things to do and sync them over to my ALM as I accept them.

Contact and Support

Please create tickets for any feature requests. For support visit the forum here


Finding Me

Find Me: You can join my MC server: You can contact me: Here, on TS3 (click the picture)

About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Dec 14, 2011
  • Last Released File
    Nov 6, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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