Citadel is a block protection mod that provides a level of protection relative to the material used to create the protection. There are two linked concepts that Citadel uses to provide protection - reinforcement and security level.
Citadel Natural Reinforcements
Have a hardcore sever where you want everything to be tough? Well Citadel is able to naturally reinforce certain blocks. This allows you you to make mining any certain kind of block you want take a certain amount of breaks to break the block. Example: you have stone and a player comes across it. Citadel says that it takes 4 breaks to really break stone. The player must break the same stone block 4 times before it disappears and drops a cobble stone.
A reinforcement provides protection to a block from being broken. Each type of reinforcement material provides a different number of protections, with a protection being used up during each block break event. The strengths of stone, iron, and diamond reinforcement are 25, 250, and 1800 respectively. For example, if you protect a glass block with an iron ingot, you will have to break the glass block 250 times before it is actually broken.
Security Level
A reinforced block which is considered securable (configurable but includes anything openable like a door or fence gate, and any containers like furnaces and chests) can also have its allowed access limited to the individual which placed the block or a group to which they belong.
Players can create groups and add members to them. Groups have the following hierarchy:
Owner: Can delete, transfer, add and remove mods, allow and disallow members, modify reinforcements, and set password.
Moderator: Can allow and disallow members, modify/bypass, and add new blocks to group. Cannot delete or transfer group, and cannot add or remove mods.
Member: Can only access and open things like doors, chests, etc. Cannot modify or bypass reinforcements, and cannot edit group.
Reinforcement: In this mode, a player can reinforce already existing blocks. To start, type /ctreinforcement followed by an optional security level. If no security level is specified, blocks are secured at the private level. Once in this mode, hold a valid reinforcement material in your hand and click on the block to reinforce it.
Single block mode: To provide feature compatibility with LWC, you can enter single block reinforcement mode by typing /ctprivate, /ctgroup, or /ctpublic. These are aliases for /ctreinforcement followed by the corresponding security level, with the exception that once a block is reinforced, reinforcement mode is disabled. Fortification
In this mode, a player can place blocks that are reinforced. This is useful for building reinforced structures, or placing a lot of reinforced securable blocks. To enter this mode, hold a valid reinforcement material in your hand and type /ctfortify followed by an optional security level. If no security level is specified, blocks are secured at the private level.
Information: In this mode, a player can easily see the status of all reinforce blocks by interacting with them. To enter this mode, type /ctinfo.
Bypass: Can be active alongside any other mode. In this mode, the player will bypass all reinforcements that they are able to access, so that blocks can be broken normally. The chance that they will receive the reinforcement resource back is (durability / material strength). To toggle this mode, type /ctbypass.
Normal: To reset placement mode to normal, type /ctoff. This will reset your placement mode, security level, and turn bypass mode off.
Name Usage Shortcut
Create Group /ctcreate <group-name> /ctc
Delete Group /ctdelete <group-name> /ctdel
Group Info /ctgroupinfo <group-name> /ctgi
Transfer Group /cttransfer <group-name> <target-player-name> /ctt
Group Password ("null" disables password/join) /ctpassword <group-name> <password> /ctpw
Add Moderator /ctaddmod <group-name> <player-name> /ctam
Remove Moderator /ctremovemod <group-name> <player-name> /ctrm
Allow Member /ctallow <group-name> <player-name> /cta
Disallow Member /ctdisallow <group-name> <player-name> /ctd
Join Group /ctjoin <group-name> <group-password> /ctj
Leave Group /ctleave <group-name> /ctl
List Your Groups /ctgroups /ctgs
List Moderators of Your Group /ctmoderators <group-name> /ctmods
List Members of Your Group /ctmembers <group-name> /ctm
Bypass Mode /ctbypass /ctb
Fortify Mode /ctfortify [security-level] /ctf
- /ctfortify group <group-name> -
Group Mode /ctgroup <group-name> /ctg
Reinforce Mode /ctreinforce [security-level] /ctr
- /ctreinforce group <group-name> -
Private Mode /ctprivate /ctpr
Public Mode /ctpublic /ctpu
Info Mode /ctinfo /cti
Toggle Modes Off /ctoff /cto
Possible Reinforcement Materials /ctmaterials /ctmat
Non Reinforceable /ctnonreinforceable /ctn
Reinforcements that are securable /ctsecurable /cts
Plugin Version /ctversion /ctv
Stats /ctstats
Help /help Citadel
<> = mandatory [] = optional
Owner: Can: delete group, transfer group, add & remove mods, allow & disallow members, access reinforcements, modify reinforcements, set password.
Moderator: Can: allow & disallow members, access reinforcements, modify reinforcements.
Member: Can: access reinforcements (such as doors, chests)
A Mysql database is required to use this plugin. If needed, the SQL create table statements are here.
Source Code
Want to Contribute to the project, here is the Git Hub page and the Jenkins Page.
Recommended Plugins
Prison Pearl: Prison Pearl is a plugin that allows players to imprison other players and control them through the use of ender pearls that become Prison Pearls. Combined with Citadel it allows imprisoned players to tell other players the location of their pearl and the possibility of being freed.
CivChat: CivChat is a mod that used citadel groups to have group chats.
JukeAlert: A plugin that creates snitches and helps player's identify grief done by another player.
Expensive Beacons: A plugin that makes beacons expensive to use but limits the effects to citadel groups and a longer range.
Name Layer: A plugin that controls uuids and player names.
Better Associations: is a plugin that associates players. Has built in support for PrisonPearl and provides useful other services for managing player accounts.
Citadel was designed and customized for Civcraft (ip= as a way to allow players be able to protect their own buildings but also gave the advantage of allowing griefers or other players to still be able to break or steal blocks or chests.
The subreddit for this server is
The Civcraft Description.
What's your current set up? What is your stack trace?
Oh. uhh, the database information section of the config doesn't seem to be working. an explenation of that section of the config would be appreciated, because we've tried many different combinations with the information we've recieved from our hosting provider, but nothing seems to work
What's the issue?
Could someone please explain in a little bit more length on how to install this plugin properly onto my server? I'd really like to have this on my server but must be overlooking something simple.
Not my code. I just help maintain it and put it on bukkit dev.
Well, that's not what everyone seems to say. And I didn't use a line of your code btw.
The source code is available on github and this version still works with all new builds.
I'm not accusing you. However, servers trying to reach a professional level can't afford to waste months waiting for updates, bug fixes, and features they'd like.
This isn't abandoned, I'm just forgetful. Any new builds can be found here: and this will be updated after we are done testing the new uuid version.
Also this plugin is not version specific and works for all versions of craftbukkit.
Hello everyone.
I am a developer who was recently asked to completely recode and update this abandoned plugin by a server owner. It has been done. NOTE that I'm however not an official developer of this plugin.
If you're interested in getting a version working on 1.7.10, add me on Skype: lucas-le-corse.
Currently wondering if there are any plans for a new release of Citadel. It has been dearly missed!
Would it be possible to add a disabled-worlds option to the config or a sweeping permission to disable use in a world? Thanks.
Yes, currently it is under testing, when available will be uploaded here
Hey sorry for the late response. Download this for windows
Will there be an update because of the UUID? Else there can be problems with the usergroups I guess.
A guide on how to install MySQL and use it would be helpful. Nothing I've found with Google works...
I have feature request: I like the idea behind Citadel, but I don't like how it makes tnt bombing practically useless - ie, it would take 1800 tnt to destroy one diamond-reinforced block. So I was wondering, would you be willing to add in a feature that allows explosions to damage the reinforcement level of blocks they hit by a configurable amount? (ie, say I thought it should only take 18 explosions to blow up that diamond-reinforced block, so I would want each explosion that hits to take 100 reinforcement points off of the block)
Does the plugin support permissions? If so, what are the nodes?
will this be updating to 1.7 any time soon?
Should the current version work with 1.7.2, or does it need to be updated?