Multiple ChestShop-Owners #889

  • Replied
  • Enhancement
Assigned to acrobotpl
  • _ForgeUser11534617 created this issue Jul 21, 2014

    Hey there!

    I wished to see a feature that allows players to add other players to their shops. So if they created a ShopSign as usual, they should be possible to run a command like /chestshop addowner [Name] and then, the other player has to accept the invite (so must be online), that users don't create Sell Shops with enourmous prices to ruin the bank accounts of other people.

    If the other player accepts the invite, the Shop would be owned by two players. Perhaps it's possible, that the sign shows all names after, but that is not really important and probably not possible because of space reasons.

    Anyway, they have now both the rights to fill up the chest and if somebody buys or sells something, the money gets simply divided by the number of the owners. That allows for instance, that two Players on our servers share on Shop and not only the Shop but also every chest.

    Example: Player 1 creates a Shop in which he sells 10 Dirt for 10 $. Then he runs /chestshop addowner Player2 and hits his shopsign or the chest. Player2 gets a ingame message with the info of item, amount and price of the shopsign and has to run /chestshop accept in order to accept the invite and finish the process. Then, UserA buys 10 Dirt and Player1 gets 5$ and Player 2 gets 5$.

    This is just a simple idea and I would love if you could comment and give some other ideas to make that project as succesful as possible.


  • _ForgeUser11534617 added the tags New Enhancment Jul 21, 2014
  • AcrobotPL posted a comment Jul 22, 2014

    While the idea is pretty nice, it will be hard for me to implement it right now. Will be put on hold, I'll decide whether this will be included later, sorry!

  • _ForgeUser11534617 posted a comment Jul 23, 2014

    Ok Thanks a lot :) Yeah I already thought that this wouldn't be possible right now. But I'm already happy that you will think about it =) That was also only an idea, there are surely other (maybe easier) ways to create a multi-shop-owner-system :D

    bye :D

  • _ForgeUser11534617 removed a tag Waiting Jul 23, 2014
  • _ForgeUser11534617 added a tag Replied Jul 23, 2014
  • Phoenix616 added a tag Enhancement Sep 25, 2017
  • Phoenix616 removed a tag New Sep 25, 2017

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