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I'm looking for a way to buy items from other players, items that can have damage value and/or enchants. eg to buy diamond picks (id 278), regardless of their condition, and/or enchantment. Couldnt find any documented info on that issue, like wildcards or simmilar, but i did tried ingame with several friends, here are my conclusions:
1. If you set just item ID , in this example 278, other players can only sell you brand new diamond picks.2. To cover every possible value of damaged picks i need to make 1300+ chest shops.3. To cover all possible enchanted picks ... with all possible damage values ... well you get the picture.
I could use a simple solution, optional switch in ID line of Sign used to create chest shop, to ignore damage value and or enchants string on selling ...
unless you know better way ...
Sorry, but not really that possible. All the items are different to Bukkit, and, even worse, one can't see whether an item is damaged or the damage value is used as an indicator of type (such as logs/wool).
I dont know if it is possible or not, and i'm not java programer, but i am C programmer, i do know that strings can be clipped and/or truncated, so to summarize my opinion i could immagine situation where 2 items that begin with same 3 strings can be treated of the same type (that is example not a rule), however i do understand that some items begin with 1, some with 2 and some with 3 chars. That makes evaluation somewhat difficult, but not impossible considering damage values are sepparated with colons.
So basicly sample string "278:1200#1c" can be clipped to colon mark and then evaluated against another , also clipped string. Let me show example of another aproach "diamond_Pick:1200#1c". Again colon is a mark.
Also i didnt asked it to be appliable to just any item, but those player chooses to buy in chest shop (as owner of chest, other players do sell to owner).
Let me be more specific on what i expected to acomplish: I as player place chest shop to buy all diamond picks from others, damaged enchanted just any diamond pick for the same price.
Now, if you need more information i'll be glad to explain.
Regards, and thank you for response.
@gusartranzit: Go Hah, sorry, but it is not the issue of string trimming - that part is really easy. What is hard is Notch's fault - from current code's standpoint, I have no idea if the damage value is a property of a material (such as colour) or its durability (how many times it had been used).
But even if we figured it out, how could it be written on the sign? Remember, that we have to regain backwards-compatibility with older signs and we're limited to 15 characters per line of the sign.
k, i see your point, let me try another aproach:
third line - B for buy price S for sell price C for sell price with trimming item strings.
S = C , with difference of trimming item strings
that covers limits of sign strings
4th line - item ID, no other data
So to use C in third line is to ignore, not to know propperty, or whatsoever, but to ignore it.
lets say i put C 10 in third line (players sell items to chest for 10 with trimming)
and put 17 in fourth line (oak log)
now id of spruce is 17:1 birch 17:2 etc
chest shop accepts any log, just ignore values behind 17, you don't need to know them, you need to ignore them.
Ok now wool
C 10 in third line (players selling items to chest for 10 with trimming)
4th line id 35 (white wool)
now orange is 35:1 magenta 35:2 etc
Chest shop accepts any wool i dont care what colour, again i need to ignore data value, dont want to know it.
lets move on, diamond picks
C 10 in 3rd line
4th line id 278
chest shop accepts any diamond pick, doesnt care how many times used, or how it is enchanted, again, just ignore values behind ID, dont need to know them.
i would be idiot to put both B and C (hypotetical) on that chest in third line, basicly i need just C.
Alright i understand its Notch's fault that you dont have idea if the damage value is propperty of material or its durability, but i'm not asking you to know it, i ask to ignore it.
Thank you for your time spent on this issue, i am sure being a hard-case, and i appologize if it causes problems.
@gusartranzit: Go And what about the prices? Surely we can't just accept a damaged pick with the same price as a new pick. Now, how do we know it's damaged? We want to accept all log types with the same price per item, because in this case, the durability is not an indicator of "brokenness".
Prices? Thats the whole point, same price for any picks, i realy doubt anyone will sell new pick there, only very damaged picks close to breaking, whole point is to buy of those very damaged picks from other players, repair them and sell them for a new price in different chest. Same idea goes for armors too. Something like blacksmiths shope and services. Idea came to my mind to stimulate economy on server, rather than to waste very-depleted picks, armors and such.
Players are not dumb, they will not sell picks if they dont want to for the named price, but if they are willing, they are most welcome, i will not argue their choice.
As side-effect same option will allow logs , wool and stuff like that to be sold at single chest instead of multiple chests. Saves space. And yes any logs and any wool at same price. Thats general idea.
@gusartranzit: Go Hmm, I guess I could implement that. However, if anyone complains, I will direct them to you ;)
Top man, thanks.
Has this been implemented yet? I've been looking for a way to make a shop ignore data values and make the chest just pick a random item, regardless of extra data. If this exists already, could someone please tell me how to create a chest shop that ignores extra data as described below?
Not yet, sorry - been concentrating on the UUID switch.
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