Old shops remove #759

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Assigned to acrobotpl
  • _ForgeUser10422454 created this issue Dec 2, 2013

    I have some ideas that could and optimize this plugin. I have a server, that has been runing for a long time and plugin files are getting bigger and harder for server to process. Players have now created so many shops, plugin actually lags the server, when someone buys/sells items. I haven't inspected the source code, so sry for any possible ignorance from my side.

    1. Could you change when shops get auto-dostroyed? Right now, they get destroyed when the last item is bought. However, players can  create shops and not put any items in them. That way shop can't be destroyed, even if it's empty. I think it would be better if it would auto-destroy itself when buyer clicks on a sign and there are no more items in chest. This would also fix some other problems. If someone would have remove_empty_shops = false , his server would eventually become crowded with empty shops. If later he decided to set it to true, those old empty shops wouldn't have to be manually removed by administrator, but could be removed by any buyer.

    2. I don't know how this plugin stores and reads info, but if there is a way you can optimize how it reads massive amount of shops data, I am definateli upvoting that project :D

    3. Could you add a configurable limit to how many shops a player can create? Perhaps a permissions support for that option too? Players just massively create shops around the world, and at some point just forget about them. shop_creation_price helps, but not for ritch players.

  • _ForgeUser10422454 added the tags New Enhancment Dec 2, 2013
  • AcrobotPL posted a comment Dec 3, 2013

    1 - hmm, that could be possible. 2 - it doesn't read the shop data anyhow, because all the shop data is stored on the sign. 3 - because of the 2nd point and backwards-compatibility, I cannot. I will be trying to do so in the future, because when the 1.8 drops, almost every plugin will be broken - that's when I'll be able to transition to a database-based shop system.

    Edited Dec 17, 2013

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