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Hi !
A player said me about a thing : it's possible to ruin an owner if a player sell a big quantity of items in a shop. And for the history, my players must pay an amount of money (automatic) to have a region and use chestshop.
So i have an idea : choose a limit in config. If the owner havn't the amount of money necessary, nobody can sell him anything. Example : I'm an owner of shop. I want buy dirt. In config, the limit is at 20$. I have 30$. A player (who have too many dirt) sell me. But, after a few sales, he can't sell more because i have 18$.
My english is bad, so if you don't understand, say me ^^
Thanks for reading!
Hm, it's something like this:
Mhhh... The goal is the same, yes. But the how to do isn't the same :)
I think that my suggestion is very more simply (for players when they use the plugin and for you), but the improvement of Darganking is very interesting
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