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Suggestion:- A nearby sign with special character counts the stock of the item in the chest.
It is known that one can place more than one item at a chest or doublechest to create a multishop, but instead of the second/third sign being the same syntax as the shop (The [] [item number] [buy/sell price] [item id]), it could have another which will count the total number of items inside the chest.
Suggested actions:-
1). Create a ChestShop as usual.2). Place a sign on the wall above and behind the chest3). Syntax the sign as follows:3a). Line 1: []3b). Line 2: [C]3c). Line 3: [Item ID/Name]3d). Line 4: []4). The sign created will now replace [C] with the total number of items.
Since single chests can hold a maximum of 1,728 items, and double chests can hold a maximum of 3,456 items, there is no cause for worry about the number exceeding the 15 character sign limit.
Also, the first and fourth lines should be allowed to hold any textual information, for decorative or information services.Lines 1 and 4 could also be utilised for chests containing more than one item ID too. Where line 1and 3 becomes [C] and line 2 and 4 becomes [Item ID], counting two sets of items from the chest.
I feel that this would make for a great addition to an already fantastic plugin.
I was also looking for a way to display the amount of items or the amount of room left in the chest. When running a shop that allows people to buy and sell to it to earn money, it would be extremely helpful if they could tell which items need restocking and how much they can sell to the shop.
I've seen other plug-ins that display the item pic on the front of the chest, or lava furnace that displays the % of lava left of smelting. Perhaps you could check the amount of items in the chest or space left (toggable between the two in config) and display it on the actual chest to save room.
Thanks for all the great work!
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