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I would be interested in a buy-only variation that bypasses the item naming by introducing special magic words.
The idea is to allow a buy-only chest shop which sells exactly what is inside, whatever it is, stack-wise.
The benefit is, that the shop will allow selling different sorts of items, and also will be compatible with every future update items, that allow cloning. The nature of enchanting is such that one does not always get the same resultm, so this could be a way around that!
The magic word could be "stack" or similar.
The main function is to just sell the next stack that is not empty, and it would be cool if left click would send a message to the player what item is inside (including enchantments and all). This would be a simple and transparent way to sell special and potentially complicated to describe items.
Hmm, something like that was in the first iConomyChestShop, but it didn't work well...
I think it's a bigger issue - I should just add a scrollable sign, so when you scroll your mouse button, the item selected changes.
@Acrobot: Go
That would be fancy,
thoug hmy main focus was not on selecting the item but showing which is sold next, that would already be interesting.
With a selection it would be even better...
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