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doesn't work properly v3.10 and v3.10.1 in 1.15.2.
It does show "you can't buy her" and "you can't sell here" it doesn't let me sell or buy.
It worked fine in 1.14 with older versions.
#Do you want to turn off the automatic updates of ChestShop? TURN_OFF_UPDATES: false #How large should the internal caches be? CACHE_SIZE: 1000 #(In 1/1000th of a second) How often can a player use the shop sign? SHOP_INTERACTION_INTERVAL: 250 #Do you want to allow using shops to people in creative mode? IGNORE_CREATIVE_MODE: true #If true, people will buy with left-click and sell with right-click. REVERSE_BUTTONS: true #If true, people will be able to buy/sell in 64 stacks while holding the crouch button. SHIFT_SELLS_IN_STACKS: false #What can you do by clicking shift with SHIFT_SELLS_IN_STACKS turned on? (ALL/BUY/SELL) SHIFT_ALLOWS: "ALL" #Can shop's chest be opened by owner with right-clicking a shop's sign? ALLOW_SIGN_CHEST_OPEN: true #If true, when you left-click your own shop sign you won't open chest's inventory, but instead you will start destroying the sign. ALLOW_LEFT_CLICK_DESTROYING: true #If true, if the shop is empty, the sign is destroyed and put into the chest, so the shop isn't usable anymore. REMOVE_EMPTY_SHOPS: false #If true, if the REMOVE_EMPTY_SHOPS option is turned on, the chest is also destroyed. REMOVE_EMPTY_CHESTS: false #A list of worlds in which to remove empty shops with the previous config. Case sensitive. An empty list means all worlds. REMOVE_EMPTY_WORLDS: - "world1" - "world2" #First line of your Admin Shop's sign should look like this: ADMIN_SHOP_NAME: "Admin Shop" #The economy account which Admin Shops should use and to which all taxes will go SERVER_ECONOMY_ACCOUNT: "" #Percent of the price that should go to the server's account. (100 = 100 percent) TAX_AMOUNT: 0 #Percent of the price that should go to the server's account when buying from an Admin Shop. SERVER_TAX_AMOUNT: 0 #Amount of money player must pay to create a shop SHOP_CREATION_PRICE: 0.0 #How much money do you get back when destroying a sign? SHOP_REFUND_PRICE: 0.0 #Should we block shops that sell things for more than they buy? (This prevents newbies from creating shops that would be exploited) BLOCK_SHOPS_WITH_SELL_PRICE_HIGHER_THAN_BUY_PRICE: true #Do you want to allow other players to build a shop on a block where there's one already? ALLOW_MULTIPLE_SHOPS_AT_ONE_BLOCK: false #Can shops be used even when the buyer/seller doesn't have enough items, space or money? (The price will be scaled adequately to the item amount) ALLOW_PARTIAL_TRANSACTIONS: true #Can '?' be put in place of item name in order for the sign to be auto-filled? ALLOW_AUTO_ITEM_FILL: true #Do you want to show "Out of stock" messages? SHOW_MESSAGE_OUT_OF_STOCK: true #Do you want to show "Full shop" messages? SHOW_MESSAGE_FULL_SHOP: true #Can players hide the "Out of stock" messages with /cstoggle? CSTOGGLE_TOGGLES_OUT_OF_STOCK: false #Can players hide the "Full shop" messages with /cstoggle? CSTOGGLE_TOGGLES_FULL_SHOP: false #Do you want to show "You bought/sold... " messages? SHOW_TRANSACTION_INFORMATION_CLIENT: true #Do you want to show "Somebody bought/sold... " messages? SHOW_TRANSACTION_INFORMATION_OWNER: true #If true, plugin will log transactions in its own file LOG_TO_FILE: false #Do you want ChestShop's messages to show up in console? LOG_TO_CONSOLE: true #Do you want to stack all items up to 64 item stacks? STACK_TO_64: false #Do you want to use built-in protection against chest destruction? USE_BUILT_IN_PROTECTION: true #Do you want to have shop signs "stick" to chests? STICK_SIGNS_TO_CHESTS: false #EXPERIMENTAL: Do you want to turn off the default protection when another plugin is protecting the block? (Will leave the chest visually open - CraftBukkit bug!) TURN_OFF_DEFAULT_PROTECTION_WHEN_PROTECTED_EXTERNALLY: false #Do you want to turn off the default sign protection? Warning! Other players will be able to destroy other people's shops! TURN_OFF_SIGN_PROTECTION: false #Do you want to disable the hopper protection, which prevents the hoppers from taking items out of chests? TURN_OFF_HOPPER_PROTECTION: false #Do you want to protect shop chests with LWC? PROTECT_CHEST_WITH_LWC: false #Do you want to protect shop signs with LWC? PROTECT_SIGN_WITH_LWC: false #Should the chest's LWC protection be removed once the shop sign is destroyed? REMOVE_LWC_PROTECTION_AUTOMATICALLY: true #Do you want to only let people build inside regions? WORLDGUARD_INTEGRATION: false #Do you want to only let people build inside region flagged by doing /region regionName flag allow-shop allow? WORLDGUARD_USE_FLAG: false #Do you want ChestShop to respect WorldGuard's chest protection? WORLDGUARD_USE_PROTECTION: false #Do you want to deny shop access to unlogged users? AUTHME_HOOK: true #Do you want to allow shop access to unregistered users? (Example: registration is optional) AUTHME_ALLOW_UNREGISTERED: false #How much Heroes exp should people get for creating a ChestShop? HEROES_EXP: 100.0 #Add icons and make item names hoverable in transaction messages when ShowItem is installed? SHOWITEM_MESSAGE: true #What containers are allowed to hold a shop? (Only blocks with inventories work!) SHOP_CONTAINERS: - "CHEST" - "TRAPPED_CHEST" #Do you want to allow using shops to people who have access to it due to their permissions? (owners are always ignored) IGNORE_ACCESS_PERMS: true #How many decimal places are allowed at a maximum for prices? PRICE_PRECISION: 2 #Should all shop removals be logged to the console? LOG_ALL_SHOP_REMOVALS: true #Enable this if you use BungeeCord and want players to receive shop notifications on other servers BUNGEECORD_MESSAGES: false #How many seconds do you want to wait before showing notifications for the same shop to the owner again? NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE_COOLDOWN: 10 #Of which type should the container protection be? Possible type: public, private, donate and on some LWC versions display LWC_CHEST_PROTECTION_TYPE: "PRIVATE" #Of which type should the sign protection be? Possible type: public, private, donate and on some LWC versions display LWC_SIGN_PROTECTION_TYPE: "PRIVATE" #Do you want to only let people build inside GriefPrevention claims? GRIEFPREVENTION_INTEGRATION: false #Do you want to only let people build inside RedProtect regions? REDPROTECT_INTEGRATION: false
Please provide the rest of the requested information, namely your server log and, if not the complete log, at least the exact plugin and server version as well as a screenshot of your shop sign.
31.03 20:28:34 [Multicraft] Received restart command31.03 20:28:34 [Multicraft] Server stopped31.03 20:28:37 [Multicraft] Loading server properties31.03 20:28:37 [Multicraft] Starting server!31.03 20:28:37 [Multicraft] Loaded config for "Paper"31.03 20:28:37 [Multicraft] Updating eula.txt file31.03 20:28:38 [Server] INFO System Info: Java 1.8 (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 25.212-b04) Host: Linux 3.10.0-957.21.2.el7.x86_64 (amd64)31.03 20:28:38 [Server] INFO Loading libraries, please wait...31.03 20:29:19 [Server] INFO One time donations are also appreciated: 20:29:19 [Server] INFO Enabling ChestShop v3.10 (build 165)31.03 20:29:20 [Server] INFO Using Essentials Economy as the Economy provider now.31.03 20:29:20 [Server] INFO Vault loaded!31.03 20:29:20 [Server] INFO Using Paper's BlockDestroyEvent instead of the BlockPhysicsEvent!31.03 20:29:20 [Server] INFO Enabling CustomHeads v2.9.9*31.03 20:29:20 [Server] INFO Enabling Essentials v2. 20:29:20 [Server] ERROR You are running an unsupported server version!31.03 20:29:20 [Server] INFO Using 1.8.3+ BlockStateMeta provider as mob spawner provider.31.03 20:29:20 [Server] INFO Using 1.13+ flat spawn egg provider as spawn egg provider.31.03 20:29:20 [Server] INFO Using 1.9+ BasePotionData provider as potion meta provider.31.03 20:29:20 [Server] INFO Loaded 20977 items from items.json.31.03 20:29:20 [Server] INFO Using locale en_US31.03 20:29:20 [Server] INFO ServerListPingEvent: Spigot iterator API31.03 20:29:20 [Server] INFO Starting Metrics. Opt-out using the global bStats config.31.03 20:29:20 [Server] INFO [Vault][Economy] Essentials Economy hooked.31.03 20:29:20 [Server] INFO Using config file enhanced permissions.31.03 20:29:20 [Server] INFO Permissions listed in as player-commands will be given to all users.31.03 20:29:20 [Server] INFO Enabling SuperVanish v6.1.331.03 20:29:20 [Server] INFO Please install ProtocolLib to be able to use all SuperVanish features: 20:29:20 [Server] INFO Hooked into Essentials31.03 20:29:20 [Server] INFO Enabling Multiverse-Portals v4.1.0-b80531.03 20:29:20 [Server] INFO 7 - Portals(s) loaded31.03 20:29:20 [Server] WARN Portal blue has an invalid DESTINATION!31.03 20:29:21 [Server] WARN Loaded class com.sk89q.worldedit.IncompleteRegionException from WorldEdit v7.0.1;61bc012 which is not a depend, softdepend or loadbefore of this plugin.31.03 20:29:21 [Server] INFO Found WorldEdit. Using it for selections.31.03 20:29:21 [Server] INFO Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret31.03 20:29:21 [Server] INFO Enabling AutoMessager v2.131.03 20:29:21 [Server] INFO New version (2.4) is available at 20:29:21 [Server] INFO Metrics enabled.31.03 20:29:21 [Server] INFO > The plugin successfully enabled v2.1!31.03 20:29:21 [Server] INFO Enabling PromotionEssentials v2.0.7*31.03 20:29:21 [Server] INFO Using SuperPerms for promotions.31.03 20:29:21 [Server] INFO Enabled!31.03 20:29:21 [Server] INFO Enabling GriefPrevention v16.12.0-d4d7ac431.03 20:29:21 [Server] INFO Finished loading configuration.31.03 20:29:21 [Server] INFO 17 total claims loaded.31.03 20:29:21 [Server] INFO Customizable messages loaded.31.03 20:29:21 [Multicraft] Skipped 3 lines due to rate limit (30/s)31.03 20:29:21 [Server] Startup Done (26.398s)! For help, type "help"31.03 20:29:21 [Server] INFO Timings Reset31.03 20:29:21 [Server] INFO Loading SilkSpawners v1.6!31.03 20:29:21 [Server] INFO Loaded SilkSpawners v1.6!31.03 20:29:21 [Server] INFO Checking for Updates ... 31.03 20:29:21 [Server] WARN Unable to check for updates: unhandled exception.31.03 20:29:21 [Server] INFO org.bukkit.plugin.IllegalPluginAccessException: Plugin attempted to register task while disabled31.03 20:29:21 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_15_R1.scheduler.CraftScheduler.validate( ~[patched_1.15.2.jar:git-Paper-"de5b093"]31.03 20:29:21 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_15_R1.scheduler.CraftScheduler.runTaskTimer( ~[patched_1.15.2.jar:git-Paper-"de5b093"]31.03 20:29:21 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_15_R1.scheduler.CraftScheduler.runTaskTimer( ~[patched_1.15.2.jar:git-Paper-"de5b093"]31.03 20:29:21 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_15_R1.scheduler.CraftScheduler.runTaskLater( ~[patched_1.15.2.jar:git-Paper-"de5b093"]31.03 20:29:21 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_15_R1.scheduler.CraftScheduler.runTask( ~[patched_1.15.2.jar:git-Paper-"de5b093"]31.03 20:29:21 [Server] INFO at$run$1( ~[?:?]31.03 20:29:21 [Server] INFO at ~[patched_1.15.2.jar:git-Paper-"de5b093"]31.03 20:29:21 [Server] INFO at ~[patched_1.15.2.jar:git-Paper-"de5b093"]31.03 20:29:21 [Server] INFO at ~[patched_1.15.2.jar:git-Paper-"de5b093"]31.03 20:29:21 [Server] INFO at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( [?:1.8.0_212]31.03 20:29:21 [Server] INFO at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ [?:1.8.0_212]31.03 20:29:21 [Server] INFO at [?:1.8.0_212]31.03 20:29:21 [Server] INFO You are using the latest version thanks31.03 20:29:22 [Server] INFO No new version available
First: You aren't running the latest version, I suggest updating.
Second: The shop on the sign says "Adminshop" while the config says "Admin Shop" for the admin shop name, either change it on the sign or the config.
Third: That's not really the full log, please make sure to always get it from the logs folder in the future. Your web panel seems to be removing lines for some stupid reason.
AutoMessager.jar JAR File 73.54 KB Dec 26 21:56 EditAutoMessager.jar JAR File 73.54 KB Dec 26 21:56 Edit icon ChestShop (1).jar JAR File 781.33 KB Mar 30 10:40 icon Clearlag.jar JAR File 192.13 KB Jan 31 04:55 Edit icon CustomHeads (2).jar JAR File 256.49 KB Mar 30 10:54 Edit icon CustomHeads.jar JAR File 8.48 KB Mar 30 10:26 Edit icon EnchantPlus_1.3.4.jar JAR File 75.55 KB Dec 21 11:00 Edit icon EssentialsX- JAR File 1.4 MB Dec 06 16:13 icon GreatKits114.jar JAR File 27.83 KB Dec 13 21:31 Edit icon GriefPrevention.jar JAR File 287.76 KB Dec 03 17:22 Edit icon HolographicDisplays.jar JAR File 431.11 KB Dec 03 17:21 Edit icon Multiverse-Core-4.1.0.jar JAR File 452.81 KB Dec 22 11:31 Edit icon Multiverse-Portals-4.1.0.jar JAR File 105.33 KB Dec 22 11:26 Edit icon OpenInv.jar JAR File 130.93 KB Dec 20 18:47 Edit icon SilkSpawners.jar JAR File 34.3 KB Dec 03 17:21 Edit icon SinglePlayerSleep-1.13_2.13.33.jar JAR File 70.37 KB Dec 30 21:45 Edit icon SinglePlayerSleep-2.13.30.jar JAR File 58.4 KB Dec 06 15:49 Edit icon SinglePlayerSleep-2.13.32.jar JAR File 68.84 KB Dec 13 22:44 Edit icon SuperVanish.jar JAR File 155.32 KB Dec 07 19:53 Edit icon TrollBoss_v6.1.6.jar JAR File 536.93 KB Dec 20 18:42 icon TrollBoss_v6.2.jar JAR File 424.82 KB Mar 30 10:26 Edit icon Vault (1).jar JAR File 267.31 KB Dec 07 21:40 Edit icon Vault (2).jar JAR File 267.31 KB Dec 23 17:14 Edit icon Vault.jar JAR File 267.31 KB Mar 30 10:26 Edit icon WildTp (3).jar JAR File 279.38 KB Feb 15 04:55 Edit icon coins 1.1.0.jar JAR File 19.73 KB Dec 22 18:57 Edit icon Zip archive 6.92 KB Dec 30 21:47 Edit icon promotionessentials2-2.0.7-SNAPSHOT.jar JAR File 317.84 KB Dec 06 15:51 Edit icon worldedit-bukkit-7.0.1.jar JAR File 2.39 MB Dec 03 17:31 icon worldedit-forge-mc1.14.4-7.0.1.jar JAR File 3.26 MB Dec 03 17:15 icon worldguard-bukkit-7.0.1 (1).jar JAR File 1.05 MB Dec 03 17:33 icon worldguard-bukkit-7.0.1.jar JAR File 1.05 MB Dec 03 17:16
Well does it work now when using the correct admin shop name?
The space in the admin shop name in the config file was the problem for me.
Almost every video tutorial out there does not put a space when they are showing you how to make the sign soooo yea.
Thanks this helped me anyway
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