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Plugin Config
#Do you want to turn off the automatic updates of ChestShop?TURN_OFF_UPDATES: false
#How large should the internal caches be?CACHE_SIZE: 1000
#What containers are allowed to hold a shop? (Only blocks with inventories work!)SHOP_CONTAINERS: - "CHEST"- "TRAPPED_CHEST"
#(In 1/1000th of a second) How often can a player use the shop sign?SHOP_INTERACTION_INTERVAL: 250#Do you want to allow using shops to people in creative mode?IGNORE_CREATIVE_MODE: false#Do you want to allow using shops to people who have access to it due to their permissions? (owners are always ignored)IGNORE_ACCESS_PERMS: true#If true, people will buy with left-click and sell with right-click.REVERSE_BUTTONS: false#If true, people will be able to buy/sell in 64 stacks while holding the crouch button.SHIFT_SELLS_IN_STACKS: false#What can you do by clicking shift with SHIFT_SELLS_IN_STACKS turned on? (ALL/BUY/SELL)SHIFT_ALLOWS: "ALL"#Can shop's chest be opened by owner with right-clicking a shop's sign?ALLOW_SIGN_CHEST_OPEN: true#If true, when you left-click your own shop sign you won't open chest's inventory, but instead you will start destroying the sign.ALLOW_LEFT_CLICK_DESTROYING: true
#If true, if the shop is empty, the sign is destroyed and put into the chest, so the shop isn't usable anymore.REMOVE_EMPTY_SHOPS: false#If true, if the REMOVE_EMPTY_SHOPS option is turned on, the chest is also destroyed.REMOVE_EMPTY_CHESTS: false#A list of worlds in which to remove empty shops with the previous config. Case sensitive. An empty list means all worlds.REMOVE_EMPTY_WORLDS: - "world1"- "world2"
#First line of your Admin Shop's sign should look like this:ADMIN_SHOP_NAME: "Admin Shop"#The economy account which Admin Shops should use and to which all taxes will goSERVER_ECONOMY_ACCOUNT: ""#Percent of the price that should go to the server's account. (100 = 100 percent)TAX_AMOUNT: 0#Percent of the price that should go to the server's account when buying from an Admin Shop.SERVER_TAX_AMOUNT: 0#Amount of money player must pay to create a shopSHOP_CREATION_PRICE: 0#How much money do you get back when destroying a sign?SHOP_REFUND_PRICE: 0#How many decimal places are allowed at a maximum for prices?PRICE_PRECISION: 2
#Should we block shops that sell things for more than they buy? (This prevents newbies from creating shops that would be exploited)BLOCK_SHOPS_WITH_SELL_PRICE_HIGHER_THAN_BUY_PRICE: true
#Do you want to allow other players to build a shop on a block where there's one already?ALLOW_MULTIPLE_SHOPS_AT_ONE_BLOCK: false#Can shops be used even when the buyer/seller doesn't have enough items, space or money? (The price will be scaled adequately to the item amount)ALLOW_PARTIAL_TRANSACTIONS: true#Can '?' be put in place of item name in order for the sign to be auto-filled?ALLOW_AUTO_ITEM_FILL: true
#Enable this if you use BungeeCord and want players to receive shop notifications on other serversBUNGEECORD_MESSAGES: false
#Do you want to show "Out of stock" messages?SHOW_MESSAGE_OUT_OF_STOCK: true#Do you want to show "Full shop" messages?SHOW_MESSAGE_FULL_SHOP: true#How many seconds do you want to wait before showing notifications for the same shop to the owner again?NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE_COOLDOWN: 10
#Can players hide the "Out of stock" messages with /cstoggle?CSTOGGLE_TOGGLES_OUT_OF_STOCK: false#Can players hide the "Full shop" messages with /cstoggle?CSTOGGLE_TOGGLES_FULL_SHOP: false#Do you want to show "You bought/sold... " messages?SHOW_TRANSACTION_INFORMATION_CLIENT: true#Do you want to show "Somebody bought/sold... " messages?SHOW_TRANSACTION_INFORMATION_OWNER: true
#If true, plugin will log transactions in its own fileLOG_TO_FILE: true#Do you want ChestShop's messages to show up in console?LOG_TO_CONSOLE: true#Should all shop removals be logged to the console?LOG_ALL_SHOP_REMOVALS: true
#Do you want to stack all items up to 64 item stacks?STACK_TO_64: false#Do you want to use built-in protection against chest destruction?USE_BUILT_IN_PROTECTION: true#Do you want to have shop signs "stick" to chests?STICK_SIGNS_TO_CHESTS: false#EXPERIMENTAL: Do you want to turn off the default protection when another plugin is protecting the block? (Will leave the chest visually open - CraftBukkit bug!)TURN_OFF_DEFAULT_PROTECTION_WHEN_PROTECTED_EXTERNALLY: false#Do you want to turn off the default sign protection? Warning! Other players will be able to destroy other people's shops!TURN_OFF_SIGN_PROTECTION: false#Do you want to disable the hopper protection, which prevents Hopper-Minecarts from taking items out of shops?TURN_OFF_HOPPER_PROTECTION: false#Do you want to protect shop chests with LWC?PROTECT_CHEST_WITH_LWC: false#Do you want to protect shop signs with LWC?PROTECT_SIGN_WITH_LWC: false#Should the chest's LWC protection be removed once the shop sign is destroyed? REMOVE_LWC_PROTECTION_AUTOMATICALLY: true
#Do you want to only let people build inside regions?WORLDGUARD_INTEGRATION: false#Do you want to only let people build inside region flagged by doing /region regionName flag allow-shop allow?WORLDGUARD_USE_FLAG: false#Do you want ChestShop to respect WorldGuard's chest protection?WORLDGUARD_USE_PROTECTION: false
#Do you want to deny shop access to unlogged users?AUTHME_HOOK: true#Do you want to allow shop access to unregistered users? (Example: registration is optional)AUTHME_ALLOW_UNREGISTERED: false
#How much Heroes exp should people get for creating a ChestShop?HEROES_EXP: 100.0
#Add icons and make item names hoverable in transaction messages when ShowItem is installed?SHOWITEM_MESSAGE: true
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What is happening?
When a player attempts to buy an item from a chest shop, it says minecraft economy account from shop owner does not exist.
However, I have economy accounts
What did you expect to happen?
Buy the item, and work
Please provide the missing requested information especially the server log.
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