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Plugin Version
ChestShop version 3.10-snapcsho (build 131)
Plugin Config
Server Version
Craftbukkit version git-Spigot-3cb9dcb-0f708cb (MC:1.13.2) (Implementing API version 1.13.2-R0.1-Snapshot)
Server Log
What other plugins are you running?
CoreProtect, playerheads, worldedit, coloredsigns, clearlag, broadcaster, votifier, protocolLib, worldguard, votingplugin, uberenchant, Idisguise, permissionsEx, mcMMO, vault, orebfuscator4, Chestshop, essentials, rankup, holographicdisplays, buycraft, statscraft, PermissionsExtabcolors, citizens, crazyauctions, essentialschat, essentialsGeoIP, playerads, essentialsspawn, cratesplus, setthespawn, towny, citizensCMD, townychat, townynameupdater
What is happening?
After installing Chestshops i am able to place down player and admin shops, everything works fine. After the server restarts and or reloads, the signs stop working and you can no longer make any shops. nothing pops up in game saying that the shop couldnt be made or anything it just turns into a normal sign
What did you expect to happen?
I expected the same results, uninstall then reinstall. plugin works, server restart or reload, plugin no longer works
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