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Plugin Version
Version 3.9.2 (Build 86)
Plugin Config
Server Version
git-spigot-f09662d-51d62de (MC:1.13.2) (implementing API version 1.13.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)
Server Log
What other plugins are you running?
World Edit, World guard, Landlord 2
What is happening?
When a non-op person (who has the* Permission) tries to buy something from a sign shop it tells them that they do not have the permission to do this
What did you expect to happen?
That the block he is holding to get taken and for the person to receive the money and the seller loses the money
Please provide any additional info below
You are running an outdated version of the plugin. Please update to the latest one and, if it still happens, please also provide some more detailed information about your permissions setup or consider using a more modern and actually maintained permissions system like LuckPerms.
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