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UploadedJul 15, 2018
Size686.12 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.12
- 1.11
- 1.10
- 1.9
Please note that if you upgrade from a pre 3.9 version then this will also update the user database (users.db). Take a backup and prepare for a long conversion!
If you run into issues with that you might need to delete/rename the users.db and let it regenerate.
WARNING: Shops of players that changed their name might not be usable until the player connected at least once depending on their state in the database
This version is most likely the last release before 1.13 and targets 1.12.2. It should work for 1.11, 1.10 and 1.9 too. (Hotfix builds)
Use these builds for 1.8.8 and previous version support! These versions will only received critical updates and are no longer actively supported and might not contain all of the latest changes!
- [Fix] Don't refund unfinished auto-complete signs
- [Fix] /iteminfo didn't show stored enchantments
- [Fix] Issue with alternative block material forms (e.g. LOG_2 or LEAVES_2), the numbers are no longer necessary (but still possible). This should also help with the upcoming 1.13 update.
- [Fix] Exception when clicking on an auto-complete sign with an empty hand
- [Added] A new config option (REMOVE_EMPTY_WORLDS) to set in which world empty shops should be auto-removed when empty. (The default value, an empty list, means that it should remove in all worlds to stay compatible with existing configs)
- [Added] Support for economy plugins using the Reserve API
- [Added] More permission to manage shop creation per material (ChestShop.shop.create.buy.<itemType> and ChestShop.shop.create.sell.<itemType>)
- [Update] ormlite-jdbc library, might fix Xerial driver warning (which I could never reproduce...)