Chestpack - extra storage in a backpack on your chest!
Need extra storage while traveling? Wear a chest on your chest! Chestpack enables players to craft backpacks of various sizes for augmenting their normal player inventory space. It is designed to enable carrying additional items realistically without being too overpowered.
- No client mods required
- Crafting recipes to create packs
- Three different types, with configurable material and size
- Optional integrated workbench
- Packs are uniquely identified, and can be opened by id as an admin
- Equip pack as chestplate for storage (optional)
- Hold pack in your hand when picked up (optional)
- Nesting packs within packs is prevented (optional)
- Permissions support
- Somewhat realistic
Craft a pack by surrounding a chest with one of:
- 4 string = 9-slot pack (daypack)
- 8 wool = 27-slot pack + integrated workbench (craftsman's backpack)
- 8 leather = 45-slot pack (explorer's backpack)
When holding the resulting chest (it appears the same as a normal chest, but is actually a special wearable chest), click to open the pack. You can drag items to/from the pack and your inventory, as you would expect.
If your pack has an integrated workbench, shift-click to open the crafting area.
When it isn't held in your hand, the pack will move itself to your chestplate armor slot, representing the pack being worn on your back as a backpack (or on your chest as a chestpack, whatever interpretation you prefer). This is where the pack normally resides.
To get back into your pack, take it off your back and move it into your hand. Left-click to open it.
verbose: Enable logging of different events to console (used for debugging)
checkForUpdates: Control whether the plugin notifies players (with the chestpack.admin permission) of new updates.
allowNesting: If enabled, packs can be stored within packs. When disabled (the default), attempts to nest packs will drop them to the ground.
autoEquip: If enabled, packs will automatically equip in your armor slot, simulating wearing a chestpack, actively preventing you from storing the pack elsewhere in your inventory.
autoHold: If enabled, packs will automatically be held in your hand if placed in your hotbar or picked up from the ground. Along with autoEquip, this option is meant to simulate a pack you can either hold in your hands or wear on your back, but not keep in your "pockets" (other inventory slots). Disable along with autoEquip if you want the pack to (less realistically) behave as a normal item so you can carry multiple packs.
allowOpenContainers: Allows you to still open containers (chests, etc.) by right-clicking, instead of opening the pack.
equipSlot: Player inventory slot to wear the chestpack on if autoEquip enabled. 3 = helmet, 2 = chestplate, 1 = leggings, 0 = boots.
maxSlots: Number of slots to show with /chestpack command.
chestpackItem: The item used to represent a chestpack once crafted
packTypes: A list of the packs to allow crafting for. Each item has several fields:
packTypes base_material: The material used in place of a chest (optional)
packTypes material: The material to craft the pack from (in addition to the base material).
packTypes material_count: Number of material items to require to craft.
packTypes size: Number of slots in the resulting chest. For reference 27 is a small chest, 54 is a large chest.
packTypes hasWorkbench: If true, the pack can be shift-clicked to open an integrated crafting table.
The default configuration is:
verbose: false
allowNesting: false
autoEquip: true
autoHold: true
allowOpenContainers: true
equipSlot: 2
maxSlots: 54
chestpackItem: chest
- {base_material: chest, material: leather, material_count: 8, size: 45}
- {base_material: chest, material: wool, material_count: 8, size: 27, hasWorkbench: true}
- {base_material: chest, material: string, material_count: 4, size: 9}
For the values of base_material and chestpackItem, you must use the values listed here.
Alternatively you can disable Chestpack's recipes and use another plugin to add more complex custom recipes. Simply add a recipe to craft a chest with the following enchantments:
- Fortune I - identifies an empty pack (higher levels are used as unique identifiers)
- Efficiency # - level is number of slots, negated
- Punch - if present, pack has an integrated workbench
Chestpack inventories are stored in separate files, named pack<id>.yml.
Also, this plugin uses PluginMetrics by Hidendra to track plugin usage. All data collected is anonymous and may be viewed here. For the paranoid, this may be disabled by editing plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml and changing the value of opt-out to true.
Permissions and Commands
chestpack.admin (op): Allows you to open any chestpack with the /chestpack command (true): Allows you to open chestpacks of size 9 (true): Allows you to open chestpacks of size 18 (true): Allows you to open chestpacks of size 27 (true): Allows you to open chestpacks of size 45 (true): Allows you to open chestpacks of size 54 (false): Allows you to open chestpacks of any size (true): Allows you to open integrated workbenches
/chestpack id: Opens chestpack with the given id, 2 or greater (aliases: /pack, /cp).
The chest pack item shows up as a normal "Chest" in the player inventory. But its behavior should make it clear how it differs (it auto-equips, can be opened, doesn't stack with other chests).
See also
Other mods or plugins worth checking out:
- Backpack - client/server mod with wearable backpacks, magic backpacks
- Forestry - client/server mod with several item-specific backpacks
Fork me on GitHub GitHub of original author, mushroomhostage
Two bugs. One, when you right click it is tiny whatever the size is meant to be. Two, when you put a named item in it, then open it again, it loses it's name.
No, this is not being abandoned. I have just been swamped with school and other real-life commitments recently, so I haven't had much time to work on any of my plugins. I fully plan on updating this as well as all of my other plugins as soon as I have time to do it right. I see a lot of nice ideas people have suggested and I would like to look into implementing them :)
Not attempting to bug the author, But is this being abandoned or is it planned on being updated?
I found some buggy things. Realy like the idea of this plugin, i have a RPG server and this wil perfectly fit in it :)
1- BUGG:
1) Put a stack of 2 chests in the crafting table and craft the chestpack. 2) Use shift-click to automaticaly get as much chests out of the material as possible. 3) U now will get a stack of 2 chestpacks and can sepperate them. 4) U just created a portable enderchest becouse they have the same ID.
Please fix it, thanks.
2-Also, i see that every chest is saved individualy. And everyone that can create chests, can make unlimited chests. So 1 user should be able to use as many mb or memory as he wants. That can be a very critical feature for small servers or even large. It shouldn't make a sepperate file, all chests should be saved in 1 file. Or the files should use a better formate to reduce the memory it uses.
Can u make an option like: maximum-chests-per-user:
And when he reaches that amount, the first chest will be deleted, but he will first be messaged. Or something like that.
3- Also, when you log out, and login again. The chests are now normal chests. (Maybe becouse i user 1.4.2?)
4- BUGG 2:
1) Get in your chestpack. 2) Put something in it 3) Drop the chestpack but DO NOT LEAVE THE CHESTPACK inventory. 4) Someone else picks it up 5) Most of the time he can see the item and you also can so it's duped.
I tried 1 solution but i found another way to dupe it anyway:
SOLUTION: User worldguards black list so they can't drop the item.
OTHER WAY TO DUPE: 1) Put something in the chestpack 2) Leave the chestpack (Chest saved) 3) Step in water, and go into chestpack 4) Put the item from step 1 in your inventory back 5) Die (Chest didn't save becouse you didn't left the chestpack his inventory but you died.
Conclusion: A chestpack being saved is a lil buggy.
These things are 4 reasons why i'm not going to use this plugin. However i realy like it and think its super awesome, please fix these things! :) Also i want to say that i'm sorry for any fiction information or bugg post becouse i use Minecraft 1.4.2-01
Please put the link in your plugin description to help anyone else!
OMG YES! Thank you!
Sorry about that, I thought I had added that to the description here, but apparently I missed it. As dankwow1 said, use the values from that link.
Trying to get the base_material to be a "minecart with chest", what do I put for it? Please help.
After about an hour I figured there was no way to make the base_material be a crafting table, until I tried, "workbench". That worked. So let me ask, how was I supposed to know to put that instead of craftingtable. Please make a list of the available items.
If i lose a pack in lava, is it not supposed to remove the entry from the folder, is there a way i could relink a new pack to a pack lost in lava? and if someone puts a bag inside itself and closes it? only an admin can open the bag with a command and get it out? i love this plugin btw :)
New update approved! Now includes Metrics tracking and an update notifier (both optional, enabled by default). Tested on 1.3.2-R2.0
If anyone has any issues, create a ticket by clicking on "Tickets" at the top of this page. Hope you enjoy this plugin!
ok thanc
Working on it as we speak.
You should be able to change the item used as the chestpack with the current version. For example, add a line to the plugin's config.yml like so: chestpackItem: MOB_SPAWNER The values you can use are listed here: I have not tested this myself, but it should work fine. Let me know if it doesn't. As for changing the name of the item, it is not possible without a client-side mod right now. It should be possible when 1.4 comes out however, and I plan on adding it then.
Any chance we could have a different block other than the chest to represent the "chestpack"? - or alternatively replacing the name of the block with the pack-name*
- Callum
Ps - I'm aware the project hasnt been updated in a while, but oh well :P
WooJoo: Working fine for us. No Lost pack. Using CraftBukkit 1.3.1-R2.0 Recommended Build # 2340:
on teleport the players lose the pack they have equiped
I actually have been using this plugin for some time! My players and I love it! After a little bit of tinkering with the config, we got it going perfect for our wants/needs :) In exchange for my players having a large number of chestpacks they can use, the costs of creation are a little steep, which balances out fine! If a player dies, and happens to be carrying all of their packs on them.. More items to lose, right? Gave them a bit of freedom with it, and they have done extremely well! I REALLY hope that this plugin will stay current through the supposed next patch Aug. 1st, updating to 1.3
(haven't had any bugs other than people accidently putting their chestpack inside itself... which I usually just scold them and return it [given they have their chest ID wrote down and can tell me exactly what was inside their pack]) Otherwise Oops...time to farm again :)
Well I read that the chests are separated through enchantments. I also have this bug when I accidentally clear my inventory with /clear, there it goes. Then I have to craft a new one, And transfer the items into it.
Beside the problem with RecipeManager, players can still have more than one chestpack at a time. They can easily switch between chestpacks if they try.