Version 1.7.1
NOTE: This plugin requires you have Vault enabled on your server
This is a very quick and easy way to protect your Chests. No commands needed (except for advanced features)
- When a chest is locked noone can open it, not even the owner.
- When a chest is unlocked everyone can open it.
- Only the owner can unlock/lock a chest.
- An admin* can however unlock a chest if he is holding dirt (configurable)
- Only the owner and admins* can destroy owned chests
- In order to disown a chest a player must punch it while holding dirt (configurable)
- admins are defined by having the permission node chestlock.admin (or isOp() if PermissionsEx is not installed)
- Supports all major Economies and Permission Plugins thanks to Vault
- You can customize what command this plugin uses by editing the plugin.yml (found inside the plugin jar file)
- MultiWorld support
- Configurable properties
- Custom messages
- Simple lock/unlock
- Quick to claim (no looking up confusing commands) Just Punch it!
- Lock Chests, Furnaces, Dispensers, Iron Doors, Wood Doors, Trap Doors, and Fence Gates
- Limit the amount of Chests/Furnaces/Dispensers/Doors Players can lock
- Configure which items unlock/own/disown
- In game tool list (/lock list tools)
- Add CoOwners who can also lock/unlock
- CoOwners can be a specific Player or a specific Permissions Group
- Make chests/doors unlockable so users can't claim them
- Doors can be locked so they can only be open using a specific key
- Hold an item and click on a Locked door to try to use that item as a key
- Players who do not log in to the server in a set amount of days will have their chests automatically disowned (optional)
Permission Nodes:
- chestlock.lock = Needed to own/lock/unlock a chest/furnace/dispenser/door (/lock)
- chestlock.usekey = Needed to open a locked door
- chestlock.list.chests = Needed to list how many chests/furnaces/dispensers you own and their locations (/lock list chests)
- chestlock.list.doors = Needed to list how many doors you own and their keys and locations (/lock list doors)
- chestlock.list.owner = Needed to see who the owner and CoOwners are of the target chest/furnace/dispenser/door (/lock list owner)
- chestlock.list.clear = Needed to disown all of your chests/furnaces/dispensers/doors (/lock list clear)
- chestlock.coowner = Needed to add a CoOwner to your chest/furnace/dispenser (/lock coowner)
- = Lock chests/furnaces/dispensers free of charge
- chestlock.admin = Needed to access other Players' chests/furnaces/dispensers/doors
- chestlock.limit.[type].[x] = limit the number of blocks a player can own (largest number is taken if player has more than 1 node)
- type = chest, furnace, dispencer, or door
- x = -1(no limit) or a number 0 through 100
- ex.
- chestlock.limit.chest.-1 = can own any number of chests
- chestlock.limit.furnace.23 = can own up to 23 furnaces
- chestlock.limit.dispencer.0 = cannot own any dispensers
- chestlock.limit.door.100 = can own up to 100 doors
[] indicates a required field.
- /lock - Locks the target door with the specified Item. You then must use that type of item to open the Door. If you are not holding anything then the target Door will be set as unlockable
- /lock never - Sets the target Chest/Furnace/Dispenser as unlockable
- /lock coowner group add [Name] - Adds the specified Group as a Co-Owner of the target Door/Chest/Furnace/Dispenser
- /lock coowner group removes [Name] - Removes the specified Group as a Co-Owner of the target Door/Chest/Furnace/Dispenser
- /lock coowner player add [Name] - Adds the specified Player as a Co-Owner of the target Door/Chest/Furnace/Dispenser
- /lock coowner player add [Name] - Adds the specified Player as a Co-Owner of the target Door/Chest/Furnace/Dispenser
- /lock list tools - Lists all of the ChestLock tools that you may use to Own/Lock/etc. Chests, Furnaces, and Dispensers
- /lock list door - Lists all of the Doors that you own
- /lock list chest - Lists all of the Chests that you own
- /lock list chest - Lists all of the Furnaces that you own
- /lock list chest - Lists all of the Dispensers that you own
- /lock list owner - Lists the Owner and Co-Owners of the target Door/Chest/Furnace/Dispenser
- /lock list clear - Disowns all of your Doors, Chests, Furnaces, and Dispensers
To Lock a Chest:
- Place a chest
- Punch it - Now you are the owner and only you can lock/unlock it
- Punch it again - Now the chest is unlocked!
To Lock a Door:
- Target the door and type "/lock" - The item in your hand is set as the key
- Click on the door while holding the 'key' to open the door
Video by 0zyke
Thanks for updating this to 1.0!
The ordinary lock with punching, open/close & disown works, but commands does not seem to work, when trying to add a player with the "/lock coowner player PLAYERNAME" command, I only get the /lock help list all the time, same goes for the other command based commands.
I have given my users all nodes expect admin, and they get the same issue as me, and I'm admin/op of the server. "help?"
The newest version should enable fine
This has been fixed.
Did you try 1.4.0?
I actually didn't make that specific video but I will be making updated tutorials for my plugins. I can add an 'own on place' function but I will allow you to turn it of in the config file. I originally created this plugin as a request someone had. He wanted a ChestLock plugin that required users to remember to lock their chests. He wanted users to have their stuff stolen if they were careless.
Thanks for creating a demonstration video, it's a very good one. It'd be nice to see more videos on plugins that require players to learn something new.
To protect players who don't know the details of your plugin, please update so that the player who places a chest immediately becomes its owner (don't require a punch).
Personally, I think Lockette, Stop Grief, and Precious Stones have a better system because they don't depend on you (and your co owners) remembering to always re-lock the chest when done. Also, under this system, if some weirdo is hanging out around my chest, I have to wait for him to leave because because when he sees me open it, he'll know it's unlocked and he can reach in and grab my stuff.
I'd like to help you test this against theft and grief. Please message me if you're interested.
I'm in trouble :/ your plugin worked fine until 20 min.. One player tried to lock a door. After one reload the Locked door were gone. In the settings were no register about that door. So I tried the latest version 1.3.1 (I use the CB-Build 15xx) And now nothing happens. I even can't use the command /lock or any other command :/ really don't know what's wrong..
Keeps telling me I own everything I touch, blocks, fences, whatever.
Me as well as mtjaxter are having the same problem. The plugin wont enable. I'm using permissionsEx btw. Do you know what the PLUGIN_ENABLE thing keeps popping up?
I get this error when I shut down the server.
The error only shows up with chestlock installed.
Thank you for the feedback and you really have nice addons keep up the good work ^^
Bukkit changed the way I have to open the doors... I fixed this and should release the fix by the end of the day tomorrow.
Hi Codisimus,
I am having issues with your addon called chestlock v1.2.2 and v1.2.1. I am running craftbucket 1240 with no other addons as a test setup. But I still get the message:
But left clicking the locked doors make it act a bit funny only one side of the door flips open. (that is with using the right item)
with kind regards,
ps. the last stable build link which is 1.1 does load without errors
but it's still only happening when i remove or update chestlock...
with mobReppelent and skyland
Wich other prob?
well you need to delete the config file for ChestLock so it can create an updated one. but that shouldn't cause the other problems
Allright ive been off some day i tried with multiverse and it's doing the same thing.... Here's log freshly after update.... Home plugin dosen't work anymore. MobReppelent became empty. And im teleported in skyland and it's impossible to go out!
just run it normally
Allright, do i have to put some speciphic configuration on this plugin or just run it and let default setting do the job?
The group-manager folder is unrelated.
I would suggest getting a world manager such as multiverse or worldwarp
Allright here a list of all my plugin's....
So i don't have world manager but modifyworld that come with essentials i think and it's disable. Let me know if u need other information or something like config file of somes plugin. Thanx a lot for ur help!
Edit: oh and i got a folder named group-manager but i don't have the .jar file so i probably tryed it in the past and delete it....
Could this be the problem?
Ill wait befor deleting it!
Yes i have a world manager i think but if yes he is disabled ill look when ill arrive at home!