Chester is a chat-bot that can be added to your server. Players can chat to him and from what us, the developers, have found, the responses can be hilarious!
- Logs all messages by players.
- When Chester is mentioned, he replies with one of his saved messages.
- Works in any language (except in the beginning, where he stores 3 English sentences)
- Just chat like normal, and say 'Chester' when you want him to respond
- Negate chester.trigger to stop Chester from logging them (eg. -chester.trigger)
- Negate chester.log to stop people from being logged by chester
How does Chester work?
Chester logs every single message said by players and collects them in a database. Whenever a player mentions his name, he responds with the most appropriate reply, as selected from his database.
If your Chester doesn't seem to make sense at first, this is normal, Chester will learn from chat and it may take some time for him to gather enough information in his brain.
Chester's responses can be highly intelligible and amusing :D!
- This is only a bukkit implementation of the JMegaHal Artifical Intelligence Bot
- Changelog
- Dev Builds
- Sample Brain
- Questions? Ask on IRC
Developers: API documentation can be found here:
About This Project
Project ID53797
CreatedMar 14, 2013
Last Released FileSep 19, 2016
Total Downloads13,745
davismariotti Owner
_ForgeUser10707724 Documenter
_ForgeUser13570833 Author
_ForgeUser6874375 Author
_ForgeUser6965615 Author
_ForgeUser6967060 Author
_ForgeUser7439962 Tester
_ForgeUser7567771 Author
_ForgeUser7627522 Author
_ForgeUser7785194 Former Author
_ForgeUser7839763 Author
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_ForgeUser8042639 Author
_ForgeUser8104550 Author
_ForgeUser8276575 Author
_ForgeUser8378474 Artist
_ForgeUser8740674 Author
_ForgeUser9272690 Author
_ForgeUser9747036 Author
_ForgeUser9805241 Author
_ForgeUser9938598 Documenter
AeSix_Reficul Author
chasechocolate Author
chaseoes Author
drtshock Author
ExistingEz Author
Forge_User_28721541 Former Author
frostalf Artist
garbagemule Tester
hawkfalcon Author
m_baxter Author
mormonsonplays Author
nikgenic Author
slipcor Author
turt2live Author
Installed this plugin to my server the other day, I haven't been able to complain.
I've only had one issue with Chester and that's when I say Chester one time after another to see how random the messages are, it tends to cause my server to crash. Unfortunately it doesn't provide any crash log, it sorta just causes the server to freeze up.
I do wish that he responded with some intelligence though, sorta like Cleverbot, though I realize that might cause lag to the server so what Chester is as it stands works perfectly.
It already is. Look at the config.
My server has a staff member named chester... It will be annoying trying to talk to him can you make the name customizable
Could you make chester say things on a scheduled basis? Ex: every ten minutes.
How Do I get The sample brain?
Oh and I renamed My chester To [spawn]Notch
Just Copied The Sample Bin And now all the players on my server love me. They are no longer the only on on the server! THANKS CHESTER
Shit that is exactly what the players on my server have done and its hilarious, and now the chatbot has 14MB brain filled with GLaDOS quotes, chatlogs from other chatbots, Random stuff from 4chan probably, copypasta and creepypasta, memes, and who knows what else
some of my favorite ones so far: "we all huddled together and prayed. then crazy cat lady screamed:GOD WANTED ME TO SHOW YOU MY HALLOWEEN TRICK. I PLAN TOO"
and "I like making new friends, not. Welcome to Aperture Science. You're here because of French.
Thank you everyone for helping me get it figured out - and thank you Gomeow for being attentive to the user's input!
I love Chester (or Chesty as he happens to be called on my server) - He's an amazing addition.
holy crap this project has more authors than essentials
Oh, i must've missed it. Thanks :)
HOLY FUCKING SHIT I LOVE THIS THING! I just installed it and within no time I was crying from laughter.
Phrases used: "Watch this, I'm going to teach it bad words" "He's going to be dumber than a rock" "I'm done"
What's up with this enormous amount of authors?
Were you, by chance, able to squeeze in a getter for the player who triggers Chester in the broadcastevent too? :)
I've finally fixed the config problems (debug messages now tell you what is happening) as well as how chester was talking before the player
That is a bug, the developer said that he is working on it
Strange. When Chester is starting up, the code is looking for a string list called "triggerwords", and if it cannot find that, it defaults to using "chester" as the word. I noticed the issue seems to be that the default config creates "triggerword" (singular) with a string and not "triggerwords" (plural) with a string list. Once I changed it to one of the previous mentioned ways, it worked fine. You can tell if it worked when you start your server. When the Chester plugin initiates, it prints to console the trigger words.
EDIT: As for the preemptive responses, there's no workaround in the config or anything like that. However, I put together a small plugin that simply delays his chat slightly. I PMed you the link to that if you wish to use it till a proper fix is made.
I've tried both suggested methods
triggerwords: - chatbot - chester
triggerwords: [chester, chester2, etc]
neither seems to allow for a second trigger word, and the preemptive responses do hinder the conversational potential... Any chance of a workaround?
Is Chester supposed to answer before someone's trigger-word sentence? Chester used to answer after someone's reply but this seems to have changed.
For any of you who use Herochat along side Chester and want a bit more privacy control over him, I've thrown up a small plugin bridging the two plugins here: