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  • Uploaded
    Mar 7, 2012
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    42.22 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.2.3-R0.1



Added: SOFT dependency for MyWorlds, Multiverse and WhooshingWell to force them to load first


Fixed: NPE when opening chest for the first time
Tweak: Tidied listener code up a bit


Update: Now uses Bukkit's built in Inventory events Fixed: Newly created error when returning overflow inventory


INFO: This is a preliminary update, I am going to be releasing 1.3.1 soon with new event handlers
Fixed: Works with 1.1-R6 AND 1.2.2-R0.1 (#2010)


Another day, another build!
Update: Improved handling of network accounts
Fixed: NPE error relating to closing chests holding network accounts
Update: Greatly improved the limiting permissions handling
Fixed: Limiting permissions being incorrectly applied to the default network
Update: Items rejected are now returned to the users inventory rather than dropped on the floor
Fixed: A minor formatting error on a message
Fixed: Minor item dupe bug


Update: bankTidy function is now more robust an tidies all chests correctly
Update: Tidied general code format and renamed some functions for clarity
Update: Fixed some message format errors and one message appearing in the wrong place
Removed: Some deprecated code relating to missing world names... now handled by bankTidy on start-up
Fixed: Some NPE bugs hanging around from legacy code where world was missing


Fixed: NPE on start-up for servers who previously used a version prior to 1.2


Fixed: Limiting permission now work as expected (rather than only allowing everyone 1 slot)

1.2.2 (beta)


Fixed: .limited permissions to work without Spout!
Added: Custom events which fire on ChestBank open and ChestBank close(ish)!


Removed: Temporarily made slot limiting Spout dependant (optional) while I find a fix
Added: ChestBanks are now invulnerable to explosions
Added: Tidy up process to check for orphaned ChestBanks
Fixed: Some commands were returning as failed when they were successful
Fixed: Users who cannot use any /cb commands are now told so correctly
Fixed: NumberFormatException being caused by the isBankBlock method
Added: Permissions defaults of 'false' for .limited permissions


MAJOR update!

Added: ChestBank networks (Create multiple networks of Chestbanks with different inventories)
Added: Slot limiting (Set a number of item stacks a player can store in a ChestBank)
Added: config.yml file for settign limits
Added: "/cb info" command
Added: "/cb list" command
Added: New permissions for Networks, Limits and new commands
Fixed: Bugs relating to Multi-World servers and chests in the Nether/End
Fixed: Duplicated 'Enabled' message in the console
Changed: Minor ode structure changed due to swith from Eclipse to Netbeans


Update: Implemented new Bukkit API Listeners


Fixed: Enchantments now save correctly
Fixed: Events cancelled by other plugins are no longer processed
Fixed: Permission handling for "chestbank.use"