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    Feb 23, 2012
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.1-R4


1.2.2 (beta)


Fixed: .limited permissions to work without Spout!

Added: Custom events which fire on ChestBank open and ChestBank close(ish)!

NOTE: ChestBanks will now be automatically saved as soon as the player moves (or if the quit without moving) after having closed their ChestBank. Any items which did not fit in their allowed slots will be dropped on the floor at their feet. I realise this is a slightly hackish way to handle the limiting... but at least it works, and doesn't use Spout!


Removed: Temporarily made slot limiting Spout dependant (optional) while I find a fix

Added: ChestBanks are now invulnerable to explosions

Added: Tidy up process to check for orphaned ChestBanks

Fixed: Some commands were returning as failed when they were successful

Fixed: Users who cannot use any /cb commands are now told so correctly

Fixed: NumberFormatException being caused by the isBankBlock method

Added: Permissions defaults of 'false' for .limited permissions


MAJOR update!

Added: ChestBank networks (Create multiple networks of Chestbanks with different inventories)

Added: Slot limiting (Set a number of item stacks a player can store in a ChestBank)

Added: config.yml file for settign limits

Added: "/cb info" command

Added: "/cb list" command

Added: New permissions for Networks, Limits and new commands

Fixed: Bugs relating to Multi-World servers and chests in the Nether/End

Fixed: Duplicated 'Enabled' message in the console

Changed: Minor ode structure changed due to swith from Eclipse to Netbeans


Update: Implemented new Bukkit API Listeners


Fixed: Enchantments now save correctly Fixed: Events cancelled by other plugins are no longer processed Fixed: Permission handling for "chestbank.use"


First beta release